Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Side Business Ideas You Can Start Today

Today we found some awesome articles on side business ideas you can start today, money lessons every college grad needs to know, and tips to haggling your ideal mortgage.

Dealing With Problem Employees: The Basics of Progressive Discipline

You never want to fire anyone. As a business owner you want to lead, develop, and empower people.

Bringing in a Pro to Value Your Business: The Questions You Must Ask

A business appraiser or a certified valuation analyst has the education and expertise necessary to put a dollar value on a company.

Food Truck Envy: Should You Jump on This Hot Food Trend?

If you live in a city, you may wonder if it's time to quit your day job and join the legions of food truck owners you see around town.

How to Gather Free Marketing Intel

These free and inexpensive approaches to marketing intelligence can help you better understand your target customers.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/19, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Advancing Your Career! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

7 Easy Ways to Motivate Anyone

Motivation comes from within. Here are seven ways to help your people find theirs.

7 Reasons to Rethink Free Online Tools

Free online business tools can make a lot of sense for a cash strapped startup. Just make sure those tools are worth the price you paid for them.

6 Health Rules You Should Be Breaking

Cut yourself some slack. These time-honored health rules are out of date — and in some cases actually more harmful than healthful.

The American Airlines Bankruptcy and Your Frequent Flier Miles

Now that AA has filed for Chapter 11, many consumers are wondering what will happen to their reservations and miles. Find out how it could affect you.

Best Money Tips: Find Business Attire for Less

Today we found some awesome articles on finding business attire for less, ways to cut your expenses, and benefits of a smaller home.

3 Cheap Ways to Win Over the Ladies (by Looking Better)

I used to be a slovenly brute. OK, not so much slovenly as... average. My morning routine including a shave, shower, and deodorant. I figured that was all a guy had to do to look good. [more]

Can't buy me love...but maybe I can buy happiness

Gretchen over at The Happiness Project claims that money can buy some forms of happiness. [more]

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 7/12, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Summer Travel! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 10/11, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Overcoming Debt! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

10 Year-End Financial Moves You Must Make Now

The holidays are coming and our already busy lives are about to get busier. Put your financial house in order before the relatives arrive!

Thinking Inside the “Little White Receipt Box”

One box + Lots of Receipts = Financial Responsibility for this blogger!

Best Money Tips: 101 Small Ways to Save Big Money

Today we found over a hundred small ways to save big, things to do now to prepare for tax season, and the secrets to a budget-friendly Korean beauty routine.

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in June

June is a great time to buy both donuts and lingerie (Happy Father's Day!). Find out why and learn what else is a good buy after the click!

Ask the Readers: What Is the Best Gift You've Ever Received?

Tell us about the best gift you've ever received and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!