Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Ways to Make Amazon Pay YOU!

Online retail giant Amazon may be known as a shopper's mecca, but you can also earn significant cash from the site, too. Here's how.

3 Steps to Getting Started in the Stock Market With Index Funds

For new investors with limited resources, the stock market can be confusing and intimidating. Index funds are an easy, low risk, and affordable way to get started.

25 Easy Ways to Make Your Life More Interesting

It's easy to get trapped in a humdrum routine. Shake things up with one or more of these simple activities, lessons, experiments, and adventures.

Live like royalty on $20,000 a year

I'm stealing the title for this post from the cover of a magazine that I saw back in the early 1980s. It caught my eye especially, because at the time I had just gotten a rais

Does Personality Type Determine Your Income?

The Myers-Briggs test analyzes 16 different personality types, some of which tend to be higher earners than others. Where do you fall?

How to Spot a Credit Repair Scam

A reputable credit repair company can truly help you rebuild your credit. But beware — the scammers are out there.

6 Great Side Jobs You Can Do on Your Bicycle

Need some extra cash? A bike is all you need to get a killer side job.

12 Extreme Ways to Save Money That Could Work for You

If money's tight or if you're trying to reach a lofty savings goal, try cutting spending to the bone with these extreme cost cutters.

73 Easy Ways to Save Money Today

Accelerate your debt retirement by redirecting current spending to repaying old bills. Lots of little savings here and there add up fast!

The NFL's 5 Most Frugal Players

Sad stories of spendthrift athletes wasting millions are all too common. But for these five footballers, frugal lifestyles keep their finances fit.

9 Things People Who Retire Early Do

Retiring early seems like such a dream, but for those who plan ahead, it's a reality. Find out what they're doing with their time now.

21 Teeny-Tiny Ways to Save

If you're frustrated because you can't save big, start small! Try these teeny-tiny (and easy!) tricks for saving cash.

Are Meal Prep Subscription Boxes Worth It?

Meal subscription boxes bring fresh ingredients directly to your door for quick and easy meals. Find out if they're frugal, too.

10 Sites and Apps to Help You Track Your Spending and Stick to Your Budget

One of the best ways to manage a budget and control your money is to actively track spending. All of these apps and online tools make tracking your expenses easy.

How to find the sweet spot when buying electronics

The "sweet spot" is the ideal point where you get the highest performance (and quality) at an optimum price. It can refer to many types of goods, but electronics are of particular

4 Things You Need to Know About Deferring Student Loans

Hitting pause on student loan payments can be a complicated process. You'll need this knowledge under your belt before applying for deferment.

Why You Should Ask for a CLUE Report Before Buying a Home

Wouldn't it be nice if you knew about a home's repeat problems before you bought it? There's a way; it's called a CLUE report.

3 Reasons to Hire a Tax Professional (Even If You Don't Mind the Work)

Even if you like doing your own taxes, there are still good reasons to go to a professional. Learn how an accountant can save you both money and stress.

5 Reasons You Can Be Denied for a Credit Card Even With Good Credit

Having good credit makes it easier to get approved for home loans, car loans, and the top travel credit cards. However, a good credit score can only take you so far.

Is Peer Pressure Keeping You Poor?

Many struggle with large credit card balances instead of saying to others, "I can't afford that," but recognizing financial limits is one key to financial freedom.