Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 4 Jobs People Quit the Most

Unless you're looking for a high-stress job that you'll probably leave within a few months, you should steer clear of these.

How Wealthy Are You Beyond Your Bank Account?

On my previous article about working to death I found a pretty long comment by a woman named "Jen" who has a husband that works seven days a week to provide for his family. This l

Real Estate Appraisals - Ten things most people just don't understand about them

The homeowner wants to make the sale. The broker wants to make the commission. The lender wants to make the loan. It'd be nice to see all these folks made happy, but first... th

10 Places to Find Cheap, Good-Looking New Furniture

You don't have to dumpster dive or trawl Craigslist to find cheap chairs (or any other furniture). Shop these retailers and buy affordable NEW stuff instead.

5 Reasons Why Science Says It's Okay to Be Lazy

From biology to economics, scientists are discovering that sloth may be fundamental to our makeup. Settle a little deeper into your couch and learn why.

The 5 Best Coloring Pens

Add some sharp color to your pages with coloring pens. Just use any of these colored pens and your drawings will be vibrant and beautiful.

Does Your Net Worth Even Matter?

You may not be raking it in like Warren Buffett, but yes, your net worth still matters.

How to Avoid Getting Hired

Do you want a job? Are you sure? Because if you are doing any of these things, you won't get one.

4 Annoying Things Bill Collectors Can't Do -- And How to Stop Them

It pays to know your rights when it comes to collections agencies. Here are four things that debt collectors definitely can't do.

The 4 Greatest Stock Reversals in the Last Decade

These four big stock market losers transformed themselves into stock market darlings in just 10 years. Find out what it takes to be a comeback kid.

Decked out in... dog? More reasons to boycott Chinese goods

Thinking of boycotting Chinese goods? I know I've been pondering it for a while, but I'm definitely struggling with the idea, knowing how hard it will be. Here's something that mig

Spouses and Debt: Who's Really on the Hook for Those Bills?

Marriage is for better or for worse — even when it comes to credit card debt. Your spouse's unpaid debts may be affecting you, too.

Best Money Tips: How to Take a Mini-Retirement

Today we found articles on how to take a mini-retirement, thrift store treasures you shouldn’t pass up, and reasons why you shouldn’t focus on monthly payments.

Job hunting: What is your dutch wife?

When I was in college, I worked in the computer center. When my boss wanted to hire a new operator, he asked a couple of us to go over resumes. That experience, which gave me som

Living within your means isn't nasty

How bad could things get? The New York Times asked that question about the economic situation. It's a good question, but they gave a really bad answer.

5 Off-Season Foods That Are Destroying Your Grocery Budget

Off-season fruits and veggies are eating a hole in your grocery budget. Know when to stock up, and when to skip.

Cooking Fumes Are Bad For Your Health

Poor ventilation in our kitchens has many of us breathing really dirty air. If a new range hood and fan are not in the budget, protect yourself with some common sense precautions.

8 Sneaky Ways Wholesale Clubs Get You to You Spend More

You'll never shop at Sam's Club or Costco the same way again.

5 Investing Basics That Can Make You Rich

Following a few fundamental strategies can mean the difference of over $100,000 over your investing lifetime. What are you waiting for? Start here!

Health Risks and 5 Other Secrets Barcodes Can Tell You

You may think the barcode is only there for inventory and checkout, but think again. Barcodes hold a wealth of knowledge if you have the right key.