Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

25 DIY Halloween Treats That Trick-or-Treaters Will Love

These frightfully delicious Halloween treats cost little to nothing and are so good. Make your house the best halloween haunt on the block.

How to Resist These 4 Rationalizations to Spend Money

It can be easy to justify spending money on things you want. But there are ways to fight those urges, and protect your hard-earned money.

The stuff I try never to buy new

I don't like buying new. It's not that I consider myself to be some kind of Scrooge. I just have a hard time paying more for something than I need to, and often we take tha

How to Earn Extra Money Driving for Uber or Lyft

The sharing economy is disrupting business models and creating extra income for millions. Here's all you need to get your piece of the rideshare pie.

Where to Find Emergency Funds When You Don't Have an Emergency Fund

A costly emergency has sprung up. The only problem? You have a second emergency — no money to cover it. Here's where to find funds fast.

7 Clever Tricks to Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick

Most people tend to bail on their New Year's resolutions before winter ends. But this time, you can make yours stick.

12 Annoying Bank Fees and How to Avoid Them

Account fees have become big business for banks and a major drain on consumers’ pocketbooks. Protect your balance by avoiding these 12 common fees.

11 Attractive Standing Desks You Can Actually Afford

If you've thought about switching to a standing desk but have been put off by the price (or the appearance), consider this collection of affordable, attractive designs.

How to Keep Your Pets Cool During a Heat Wave

The dog days of summer are here. Here's how to keep your fur buddies cool.

Is hunting/fishing a good way to feed your family?

As times get tougher, I have began to wonder how many people will turn to hunting and fishing as a means to provide food for their families. I don't think I have the stamina to tra

11 Smart Ways to Maximize Desk Space

How do you expect to get any work done when your desk is a mess? Maximize that minimal space and watch your efficiency soar.

4 Cheap and Easy Homemade Mosquito Repellents

When summer hits, the mosquitoes start swarming. Here are several easy, cheap, and chemical-free recipes for making homemade mosquito repellent.

4 Money Resolutions Anyone Can Conquer

With a new year comes a slew of hard-to-keep resolutions. Reaching these money goals only requires a little bit of work up front. It's easy!

Pre-Approved for Credit Card Offers: Are You Pre-Qualified?

What does it mean when you get a preapproved or prequalified credit card offer in the mail?

5 Fun, Cheap Party Games You Didn't Know About

You can turn a fun get-together into an awesome party with any of these entertaining and frugal party games (and none of them are Charades).

10 Financial Resolutions You Can Conquer Before New Year's

Don't wait for the ball to drop and the Champagne to pour; get cracking on these financial resolutions before the end of the year!

5 Ways to Build Retirement Stability in Your 50s

Your 50s are no time to slow down your financial progress. These critical money moves could save your retirement.

Best Store Credit Cards

Retail branded credit cards may be a wise choice for loyal customers. But what about department store credit cards?

12 Affordable Ingredients that Add Gourmet Flair to any Meal

Here is an expert list of a dozen common ingredients that will add some flair to your dish — for less than you'd expect.

Cash Back vs Travel Rewards: Pick the Right Credit Card for You

Trying to decide between travel rewards or cash back? Here's how to weigh your options and get the most value out of your credit card rewards.