Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Letting Go of Financial Stress

Today we found some great articles on letting go of financial stress, moves to make at work this year, and ways to make your resolutions stick.

Ask the Readers: What Is the Best Career Advice You've Ever Been Given?

Tell us about the best career advice you've ever been given and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Do You Look Forward to in 2014?

Tell us about what you look forward to in 2014 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Wednesday 08/14

58% Off Popular Romance DVD and Blu-ray, $9.99 Scene It? 80s Deluxe Edition, and more!

Going Back to the Root Cellar

My grandmother once told me about her parents' root cellar: it was just a story of something so different from modern day that she thought I would get a kick out of it. But root ce

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money This Halloween

Today we found some stellar articles on ways to save money this Halloween, money mistakes to avoid when trying to save money, and creating a family budget.

Best Money Tips: Live on One Income and Still Feel Loaded

Today we found some fantastic articles on living on one income and still feeling loaded, 101 Halloween costumes to make on the cheap, and investing mistakes you are making.

How to Save Money and Still Dress Green

Ignore the new "eco-apparel" hype. The most eco-friendly thing you can do when it comes to your clothes closet is to be a cheapskate and simply consume less

Best Money Tips: Negotiating the Raise You Deserve

Today we found some stellar articles on negotiating the raise you deserve, manly Christmas gift ideas for under $30, and surviving the holidays with your job intact.

I Won't Eat or Spend While Standing Up

When we make big purchases or large financial commitments -- a car, a home, college tuition -- at some point in that process, we actually have to sit down. Why don't do we do that

MoneyPak Review and Giveaway (Chance to win a $50 MoneyPak!)

MoneyPak is offering an exclusive giveaway to Wise Bread subscribers. They will be giving away one $50 MoneyPak to two lucky winners.

3 Components of Financial Clarity

How many businesses really have a handle on the past, the present, and the future? Only with an understanding of all three of these things are entrepreneurs empowered with the c

The Truth About Government Contracting

It's hard to think of a product or service that Federal, State, or local government agencies don’t use -- and they want to buy it from us, small business owners. Here's how you

Lifestyle Employee Benefits with Payback

Wellness programs, employee assistance programs (EAPs), and more hold promise for boosting employee well-being and company profits.

Financial Statement Analysis: Recognizing Debt Overload

Business owners can avoid "delayed realization" by recognizing unwieldy debt structures, which could destroy their companies.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Multi-Level Marketing

Statistics show that Mary Kay, Amway, and other multi-level marketing plans are scams. That is, if you believe statistics.

How Businesses Can Cash in on Long-Lasting Fads

It might sound like an oxymoron, but identifying lasting trends can improve your relevancy while strengthening your core business.

5 Workplace Situations That Just Won't Wait

Small business owners face challenges to overcome everyday. Some can wait until tomorrow or next week. Others need to be tackled, head-on as soon as they arise.

Best Money Tips: Eating Vegan on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on eating vegan on a budget, using the paper clip strategy to stick with good habits, and making taco night even cheaper than it already is.

5 Psychological Hacks to Boost Your Bottom Line

Use the power of positive thinking (and four more psychological powers) to push you and your employees to greater productivity.