Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Surprising Things That Lower the Value of a Home

These value-sapping home features are the opposite of "selling points." Does your home (or the one you're thinking of buying) have them?

Here's How Much Life in the Big City Will Cost You

Your dreams of big city life probably won't come cheap. Better crunch the numbers before you make the big move from Smallsville to Metropolis!

How Reliving Past Money Mistakes Hurts Your Financial Future

We've all made money misjudgements in the past. Don't make another mistake reliving them in the present.

8 Career Moves That Prove You're Finally a Grown-Up

Being a grown-up at work has nothing to do with age or experience. It's all in how you approach the job.

How to Build Financial Stability After Divorce

Finding your financial footing after a divorce is not easy, but you can do it.

Savor Your Trip and Save Big With These 5 Slow Travel Tips

By extending your time on the road, you can stretch your dollars and have more fun. Here's how slow travel saves you big.

5 Debt Lessons From Darth Vader

What can a villain teach us about getting out of debt? More than C-3PO can teach us about programming binary load-lifters.

Ask These 7 Questions to Help Choose the Perfect Credit Card

If you're considering applying for a new credit card, ask these questions to find the best one for you.

9 Easy Ways Retirees Can Earn Extra Income

Who says the Internet gig economy is only for Millennials? Use it to help you boost your retirement income, too!

Curing Warts, Removing Splinters, and 19 Other Bizarre Uses for Banana Peels

From greening your garden to moistening meat, banana peels have plenty of surprising uses. Plus, discover 7 bonus uses for bananas themselves.

4 Financial Mistakes That Limit Your Freedom

The mistakes you make with money hurt more than your finances — they limit your freedom. Are you making any of these mistakes?

5 Ways to Get the Most From Your Employer’s Automated Retirement Plan

Your employer may be automating your 401(k) plan. Don't let the convenience lull you into complacency with your investments.

Suze Orman's Approved Card Gets Mixed Reviews and Controversy

Suze's new debit card stirred up controversy when she called a critic an "idiot." Are you stupid for not using this card?

4 Money Moves to Make After You Pay Off Your Mortgage

You own your home free and clear; congrats! Once you're done celebrating, it's time to make some smart post-mortgage money moves.

15 Ways to Stop the Hiccups

The next time you have a synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (more commonly known as the hiccups), look to these easy (and sometimes tasty!) solutions.

15 Personal Finance Calculators Everyone Should Use

Personal finance is best handled with numbers — accurate numbers. These great online calculators have you covered, no math skills required.

The 6 Personal Finance Rules Everyone Must Follow

The Internet is awash in free financial advice. This short list of basics will put you on firm financial ground today and on the way to a wealthier tomorrow.

Make Your Clothing Fit Perfectly With These 10 No-Sew Fixes

Keep your clothes (and your budget) looking better longer with these quick, easy, and inexpensive repairs.

6 Times You Need to Update Your Will

If you have a will, you're already ahead of the curve. But you need to make sure it's updated, too.

First Progress Platinum Secured Credit Cards: 3 Strong Cards to Choose From

First Progress offers not one, but three options in their line of secured Platinum Mastercards to help you rebuild your credit.