Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 8 Best Ways to Stream TV and Movies for Free

Is it finally time to cut the cord? Find out the latest on free and legal video streaming services and see for yourself.

Unexpected, Delicious Drinks You Can Make at Home

Think you have to go out for bubble tea, mango lassis, and ultra-fancy cocktails? No way. Make your own with these recipes.

Fight the Post-Holiday Blues: 20 Cheap Ways to Make January Special

If you've got the post-holiday blues, don't worry — here are 20 inexpensive ways to make January feel a little bit less blah.

What would you do with the F.U. money?

One of my close friends at work can often be heard saying “man, if only I had the F.U. money.” By that, of course, he means that if he had enough money to not care about losing his

Market Clones: How to Pay Drastically Less for Pricey Products

Marketers price their products at whatever the market will bear. But if one product is sold in two (or more) markets, one version is almost always cheaper.

How to Prevent a Windfall Money Mistake

Whether the cash comes from the lottery, an inheritance, or a tax refund, planning a windfall strategy now can prevent money mistakes later.

How Wealthy Are You Beyond Your Bank Account?

On my previous article about working to death I found a pretty long comment by a woman named "Jen" who has a husband that works seven days a week to provide for his family. This l

The 5 Best Bidet Seats

Think bidets are just a European way to use the bathroom? Think again. Use any of these bidet seats and you'll see why they're so popular.

9 No-Fuss Plants That Will Brighten Your Home Until Spring

When the winter days are short and dreary, glance over at your blooming indoor plants to improve your mood.

You Should Ignore These 4 Kinds of Money Advice

Sometimes your paranoia is a good thing — like when it comes to sketchy money advice.

5 Excuses We Need to Stop Making About Overspending

You deserve it. It's on sale! There are dozens of excuses for overspending, and it's time to stop making them.

6 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Money From Cyber Theft

Online banking is convenient and can help you budget and save, but it's not without risk. Protect your money with some easy security steps.

How to Furnish Your Home for Less Than the Cost of a Moving Truck

Don't rent that pricey moving truck! Instead, opt for buying inexpensive, high-quality used furniture. This guide tells you how and where to shop.

Job hunting: What is your dutch wife?

When I was in college, I worked in the computer center. When my boss wanted to hire a new operator, he asked a couple of us to go over resumes. That experience, which gave me som

Why Would Anyone Pay Mortgages With Credit Cards?

Today I received an email that advertised a program where you can earn rewards by paying your mortgage with a credit card. There are many reasons why this is a bad idea.

16 Great Tax Deductions You May Have Overlooked

Many people miss out on these big tax deductions, adjustments, and credits. Are you one of them?

5 Investing Basics That Can Make You Rich

Following a few fundamental strategies can mean the difference of over $100,000 over your investing lifetime. What are you waiting for? Start here!

Save Time and Money With These 15 Delicious Sheet Pan Meals

No dinner plans? Give one of these delicious sheet pan meals a try. That's right — a sheet pan!

Does Your Net Worth Even Matter?

You may not be raking it in like Warren Buffett, but yes, your net worth still matters.

How to Avoid Getting Hired

Do you want a job? Are you sure? Because if you are doing any of these things, you won't get one.