Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What One Frugal Holiday Gift Would You Enjoy? (Chance to Win!)

What is one frugal gift that you would really appreciate this year? Share your favorite request for a chance at $20!

3 Things That Always, Always Go Over-Budget

Somehow, no matter how much we plan, these three events always go over budget. Here's how to keep a lid on the spending.

The One Question You Should Ask Before Every Major Purchase

Before you drop big bucks on a purchase, there's one question you should always ask yourself.

9 Items Every New Doggy Parent Should Own

Adopting a dog is exciting, but it can also be stressful. To make it easier, discover which essential dog supplies doting parents should own.

What Makes a Good Business Bank?

The bank you choose for your business accounts can make a major difference in how well your company operates. Convenience is a factor, but there are considerations that may be m

5 Awesome, Cheap Alternatives to Luxury Services

Did the Great Recession force a cutback in household staff? Replace Jeeves with DIY solutions that deliver white glove service for way less.

5 Things Most Likely to Give You Lousy Credit

With few exceptions, people with bad credit don't get there by accident. Avoid these bad credit habits and you'll avoid dinging your score.

Best Money Tips: Save or Earn $1,000 by the Holidays

Today we found some great articles on saving or earning $1,000 by the holidays, managing credit card debt after a setback, and Steve Jobs' 12 rules of success.

Best Money Tips: 140+ Places With Birthday Freebies

Today we found some great articles on over 140 freebies you can get on your birthday, how to keep assets separate in a marriage, and lies that happy people don’t believe.

4 Lies Business Owners Tell Themselves

Optimism in business is essential, but so is realism. Are you lying to yourself about the state of your business?

Best Money Tips: How to Take Better Family Photos

Today we found articles on ways to earn extra money before the holidays, simple tips for taking better family photos, and the hidden costs of car ownership.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money on Your DIY Projects

Today we found some great articles ways to save money on your next DIY project, the best homemade face masks for acne, and a space-saving way to fold your plastic bags.

8 Home Buys You Should Never Skimp On

From door locks to kitchen appliances, some things are worth the extra cost. Shop smart, but don't skimp when it comes to these home buys.

9 Reasons People Don't Do What They Are Supposed to Do

Managing staff is rarely easy. Here are 9 distressing employee-management situations, and what you can do to correct them.

The 3 Best Books to Start Investing Today

There are plenty of resources online to help you learn about investing, but print still has value. Read these books to learn the fundamentals.

Best Money Tips: 17 Places to Watch Movies and TV for Free

Today we found some great articles on where you download or stream movies and TV shows for free, ways to make your home eco-friendly, and how to brew coffee without a coffee maker.

Best Money Tips: Top Ways to Fix a Bad First Impression

Today we found some great articles on the best ways to fix a bad first impression, 3-ingredient cocktail recipes, and why you should always check prices when shopping on Amazon.

Flights from Europe to the US from $14.

I had to do a double-take, too. But the promise of super-cheap flights from Europe to the US is on the horizon. And it's not 10 years away as many people first thought. [more]

Going Freelance: The Top 10 Tips

As a small business owner there will be various tasks for which you’ll be responsible and can seem overwhelming, at times. But, there are a few simple guidelines you can follo

Local Currencies

Because the advantages of trade (lower prices) fall into the hands of the person making the decision (the buyer), there's a constant tendency to move toward freer trade, unless