Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Guest post at Get Rich Slowly

J.D. over at Get Rich Slowly asked me for a guest post on personal finance. What it turned out I wanted to talk about next, though, was productivity--and in particular, my evolvin

Best Money Tips: Healthy Eating on a Budget

Today we found some fantastic articles on eating healthy on a budget, creating a work-friendly wardrobe, and getting closer to your dreams.

How I Sold My House in 48 Hours

Some homes languish on the market for months, costing owners money and stress. Find out how one seller got it done in a single weekend.

Best Money Tips: Are You Guilty of These Frugal Fails?

Today we found helpful articles on frugal fails to avoid, how to create wealth using life insurance, and ways to curb your workaholism.

How Helping a Company Can Benefit You

Companies are always looking for customer feedback. In their efforts to reach as many new customers as possible, many companies have created panels that anyone can join to try out

What You Need to Know About Your FSA

As with many provisions in healthcare, you may not be up-to-date on all of the finer points of an FSA. Even if you are, it never hurts to brush up on the basics.

Save on Your New Car: Send Mom, Not Dad, to the Dealer

A lot of people think that knowing about cars is the domain of men. But when it comes to buying a vehicle, women might get better deals.

9 Ways to Save on Your Thanksgiving Celebrations

Cut down on expenses and stress without sacrificing the essentials.

The Secret Really Does Have A Secret (or Ten Tenets for Arranging Your Rich - Part 3)

The third installment in my ten-part series (which has taken me much longer to write than planned), I decided to take a look at the Law of Attraction since the concept has hung aro

Best Money Tips: Homes Are So Cheap Here, You Barely Need to Work

Today we found articles on states where homes are so cheap you barely need to work, money-saving home maintenance, and caring for your mental health at work.

Ask the Readers: Are Rebates Worth It? (Your Chance to win $10!)

Do you rebate? Are you smart about it? Do you buy stuff you don't even want or need so that you can eventually recoup all your money? Or do you avoid the practice altogether. We

Best Money Tips: Pricing Tricks That Make You Spend More

Today we found articles on pricing tricks that make you spend more, ways to stop being lazy, and everyday activities that celebrate the fall season.

How to Be a Financial Grownup: Highlights from Our Chat With Bobbi Rebell

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Bobbi Rebell on how to be a financial grownup!

Sometimes, "Too Good To Be True" Is Not True

How many times have you heard people say “if it look’s too good to be true, stay away from it” or words to that effect? Well, I know I’ve said them often myself. But sometimes, rar

The 5 Best Instant Cameras

Keeping track of your pet's adventures isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these pet cameras and you'll get a peek into their world.

Dorito Bread and 24 Other Amazing Recipes You Must Try

What do you put on a slice of Dorito Bread? How about a dollop of Oreo spread? Read on for those fun recipes and lots more!

6 Affordable Places to Ski

Looking to hit the slopes this winter? These West Coast ski locations are perfect for budget-conscious snow lovers.

10 Smart Ways to Make Yourself Love Saving Money

Saving money is hard, especially if your savings goals are big. Make saving fun with some simple motivational strategies.

5 Reasons to Ignore the January Effect

Discover why some analysts think you should buy stocks now...and why you should ignore them.

10 Delicious Freeze-Ahead Dinners for Busy Fall Weeknights

Make dinner in a jiffy with these easy, freeze ahead meals. Just thaw, cook, and eat. Cleanup is a snap, too!