Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Everything You Need to Know About Flood Insurance

When it rains, it pours — and when it does, that flood insurance you've hated paying for will seem like a pretty smart investment.

8 Simple Ways to Clear Your Mind

Between managing work, family, friends, and more, it's easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out. Instead, take a moment to relax with one of these suggestions.

Spend or Save: The Fashion Edition

Shopping for clothes doesn't have to be painful: not to your wallet, not to you schedule, and (most importantly) not to your poor, aching brain.

10 Easy Luxury Hair Treatments From Your Kitchen

Many of the ingredients in pricey hair care products are derived from plants — plenty of which you probably already have in your fridge or pantry.

Pesky Pests: Easy Homemade Mosquito and Insect Traps and Repellent

Keep those insects, ants, wasps, rodents, and other creepy crawlies at bay with these easy homemade recipes.

Save Over $100 a Year by Shaving with a Cutthroat Razor

I despise paying the ridiculous prices Gillette and the like charge for razor cartridges. It seems as though the prices are directly aligned with the number of extra blades they pu

Best Money Tips: How to Get the Most From Your Next Hotel Stay

Today we found articles on ways to get the most from your next hotel stay, the myths and realities of “doing what you love,” and enterprising ways to make money from Pokémon Go.

Best Money Tips: Unusual Uses for WD-40

Today we found articles on unusual but handing uses for WD-40, ways to save money on JetBlue, and how to make your commute more productive.

Best Money Tips: Tax Audit Flags

Today we found some fantastic articles on tax audit flags, tips for lowering your heating bill, and tips for easing back into work after vacation.

The 10 Coolest Things That Come in a Can

Canned corn, ho-hum. But canned Unicorn? Yep, there's that and lots more hiding in the humble can these days.

What Everybody Ought to Know About Twitter

I know you just can't see why you'd want to waste your time with Twitter. Honestly it's a fantastic way to connect with other like-minded people we'll walk you through how to star

What Happens When Your Credit Card Debt Is Charged Off?

A “charge off” on your credit card debt doesn’t mean it’s disappearing. Take action before your credit score takes a huge hit.

This Simple Mistake on a Credit Application May Cost You

Your income plays a big role on credit card applications. Report it wisely (and honestly!) for best results — especially if you freelance.

Best Money Tips: Tricks To Make Your Brain Do What You Want

Today we found some stellar articles on tricks to make your brain do what you want, taking a mental health day, and federal income tax brackets.

5 Reasons We’re Spending MORE on Halloween Costumes This Year

The frugal gal in me would seem poised to present several homemade options for the trick-or-treat crowd. After some careful thought and an analysis of what we truly needed for cost

Why Your Personal Savings Rate Matters

Banks and other big financial players measure and track lots of data about their performance. Here's one you should start tracking, too.

Walt Disney Offers Refunds for Baby Einstein DVDs

A group of lawyers threatened a class action lawsuit last year against Disney for deceptive practices since their Baby Einstein videos are heavily marketed as educational but resea

The Simple Way to Make Multitasking Actually Work

The evidence is clear that multitasking isn't very productive. But that doesn't mean multitasking isn't an efficient use of time — if you can learn to juggle.

5 American Cities Where You Can Retire On Just Social Security

If Social Security is your primary post-retirement income, it may be time to move. Maybe to one of these five low-cost U.S. cities.

The 5 Best Robotic Vacuums

A robotic vacuum can be a great way to keep your floors clean without any effort. Here are our picks for the five best!