Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Simple Way to Decide Which Credit Card to Pay Off First

Don't just wing it. When credit card debt is piling up, one of these strategies can kick your repayment plan into high gear.

5 Cities Where Airbnb Is Way Cheaper Than a Hotel

Never pay for an overpriced hotel room again. These European and U.S. cities offer the biggest savings through Airbnb.

Here's How Boomers and Millennials Are Creating Winners on the Stock Market

Boomers and millennials have one thing in common: Their financial habits can move markets.

How to Prepare Your Kids to Live On Their Own

One day your kids will be living under their own roof. Will they be prepared to go it alone?

When You Should Get a Business Credit Card Over a Consumer Card

Here's a breakdown of the extra benefits that come with a business credit card that you should consider.

5 Personal Finance Tasks That Aren't as Hard as You Think

Personal finance sounds tricky in theory. In practice, it's much easier than you might think.

How to be charming

What makes someone charming? Is it their bearing, their countenance? Is it their sparkling conversation? Their dazzling personality and razor-sharp wit? [more]

25 Reasons Why It's Good to Know Your Neighbors

When there's something strange in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? Your neighbors, of course! Discover all the great reasons to know who's next door.

The 5 Best Laundry Stain Removers

You can wipe out even the most stubborn stains with the right laundry stain remover. Give any of these five a try next time there's a spill.

11 Great Apps for Book Lovers

Nothing beats the feel of a well-made book, but you can't carry your whole library with you to the park.

Flashback Friday: 36 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

Stay focused during your work-from-home gig with these productivity tips.

4 Ways to Keep Envy From Ruining Your Retirement Investments

Envy is a mega-danger to your finances. The green-eyed monster can even ruin your investments.

7 Modern Ways to Balance Your Checkbook

It's no longer necessary to pore over that ledger and paper bank statement. You can "balance your checkbook" the modern way.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Have a Frugal Halloween?

Tell us how you have a frugal Halloween and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Getting by on a lot less money: 3 ways it's easier than you think

I spent my whole adult life trying to figure out how to get by on a lot less money, because I wanted to be a full-time writer and knew that it wouldn't pay enough to support the li

Emergency belt-tightening

Typical personal finance advice would have you divide your budget categories into two groups: Your fixed expenses and your discretionary expenses. I generally don't like that dis

The 6 Shopping Mistakes Keeping You From a Great Deal

When it comes to scoring a great deal, sometimes knowing which shopping mistakes to avoid is half the battle.

13 Things Successful People Do Every Morning

If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then maybe morning is the most important time of the day, especially if you're aiming for success.

31 Essential Kitchen Tools All Frugal Cooks Need

If your tiny kitchen space doesn't have these essentials, you're not living your best life.

Term vs Whole Life Insurance: Here's How to Choose

You know you need life insurance. But the real question is, what kind?