Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Delicious Ways to Prepare Frozen Broccoli

Packed with vitamins C and K, broccoli is a powerful anti-oxidant. When prepared one of these 15 ways, inexpensive frozen broccoli becomes a powerful appetite stimulant.

7 Ways to Rent An Apartment With Bad Credit

Bad or low credit makes everything hard — even renting an apartment. Here's how you can still find a place when your credit is weak.

5 Painless Ways to Manage Money With Your Partner

A partnership is all about not going it alone — even when it comes to money. For a happier union, include your partner in the planning with these suggestions.

Save on Groceries with Discount Grocery Stores

Looking to save even more on food? Try finding a bargain grocery store in your area, and get all the food your family needs for less.

Chicago Wants to Keep the Change

Instead of using technology to make life easier for drivers, Chicago wants to digitally keep the change.

4 Brilliant Tips From "Smart Mom, Rich Mom"

Looking for ways to build wealth while raising a family? Look no further than Kimberly Palmer's new book, "Smart Mom, Rich Mom."

Book Clubs as Therapy

Regrets and conflict rarely surface during normal conversation, but a good book club can be a forum for the unexpressed, unexplored, and unresolved.

Defining Success: If You Don't Know What You Want, You Won't Know When You've Gotten It

When it comes to your life, what do you want? If you can't answer this question, you won't ever know when you've been successful.

Translating Volunteer Experiences to Workplace Credentials

Need ideas for parlaying volunteer hours into skills and experiences valued by employers? Even if you haven’t received a paycheck in exchange for creative ideas, event planning, or

4 Secrets to Eating Great Food for Cheap While Traveling

After lodging and airfare, food is the traveler's biggest expense. Cut the cost, eat well, and learn more about your hosts with these travel dining tips.

Make Your Fridge Last (Almost) Forever With These 8 Tips

Take care of your fridge, and it will take care of your food for years and years. Start with these simple refrigerator maintenance tricks.

7 Nice Ways to Tell Your Spendy Friends You're Staying on Budget

Keeping up with your spendy friends gets expensive. Let them know you're on a budget without making a big deal about it.

Score Your Dream Home With the Perfect Offer Letter

In a hot housing market, you want every trick up your sleeve to score your dream home. A heartfelt letter to the seller may be the key.

The Gift Card Scam of 2011: Don’t Be a Victim

There's a chance that the gift card you just bought or received could be worthless. Learn about the new gift card scam, and how to protect yourself.

Cancel Student Loans to Save — and Receive an Interest-Free 120-Day Loan

What's an easy way to have less debt? Return money you don't need. In federal loan lingo, it's called "canceling" your loan, and it can save you a lot.

6 Apps Every Dad Needs

Raising kids is a job in and of itself. Make a Dad's life easier with these great productivity tools for busy dads.

10 Money Moves You Need to Make Before You Take a Side Job

You've launched your side gig — great! Now get your finances in order so your extra income doesn't become an extra worry.

12 Financial Moves to Make When a Loved One Dies

Putting off money matters is common even in the best of times. But in the weeks following the death of a loved one, these money decisions can't wait.

What to Expect When You're Expecting a Huge Credit Card Bill

That hefty credit card bill finding it's way to your mailbox is packing a punch — and to more than just your wallet.

9 Money Saving Reasons to Buy a Food Dehydrator

Food dehydrators can save you money and time, and are very affordable these days. Here are nine ways a dehydrator can help you stretch your budget