Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Bar Stool Economics

Enjoy this lighthearted anecdotal story illustrating the North American tax system.

Should You Treat Your Social Security Benefits Like a Bond?

A lot of things can impact your retirement investment strategy. Should your future Social Security benefits be one of them?

4 Airlines With the Cheapest First Class Seats

With these airlines, you can travel in first-class style without a first-class price tag.

What's Faster for Mortgage Payoff: $100/Month Extra or 1 Payment/Year Extra?

Is it better to pay $100 per month extra on your mortgage or make an extra payment at the end of each year? It depends on your loan balance and interest rate.

8 Travel Warnings You Shouldn't Ignore

When was the last time you took notice of a travel advisory before you took a trip? It could be extremely dangerous to ignore them.

How to Use Airline Shopping Portals to Cash In On Rewards

Airline shopping portals can help you earn thousands of miles each year, without getting on an airplane.

The 4 Worst Kinds of Debt to Have in 2019

Debt can be a necessary evil when it comes to building credit, but in 2019, these are the worst kinds of debt to carry.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Time-Saver Meals?

Tell us about your favorite time-saver meals and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Fees You Need to Stop Paying Right Now

Save hundreds of dollars a year by dropping these useless fees from your life.

50 Ways to Update Your Wardrobe for Cheap

If you get creative with shopping strategies and fashion choices, it's easy to control your wardrobe spending. Follow these tips to start dressing for less!

The 5 Best Diaper Bags

Keeping your baby clean while on the go isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these diaper bags and you'll be prepared for any accidents that may arise.

Ask the Readers: What Time Management Tools Do You Use?

Tell us about your time management tools and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask These 5 Questions Before Deciding On a Financial Advisor

Before trusting your finances to any old somebody, you need to carefully vet potential advisers. These basic questions will get you started.

Once Bitten Twice Shy: What is Credit Security Worth to You?

If you have had your identity stolen, you're prepared to bring out the big guns to protect it. Even if you haven't been once bitten, you may be shy. Here are some (arguable but eff

8 Most Affordable Beach Towns in Mexico

Looking for a quick beach getaway? These gorgeous seaside towns in Mexico offer the most bang for your buck.

15 Frugal Ways to Battle Boredom

The next time you're listless, grumpy, or just plain bored, follow these suggestions to spend your time, rather than spending money.

10 Stores With the Best Price Matching

Start taking advantage of these great price match guarantees, and you'll never pay full retail again.

The Surprising Truth of Investing: Mediocre Advice Is Best

While you might wish for superior investing advice, it turns out mediocre advice is really all you need.

Could you save money by subscribing to an addictive game?

During the Christmas break my husband and I went to dinner with some of his friends from high school. One couple we spoke with told us that they are trying to save money for a dow

The 5 Best Board Games for Children

Board games can be educational for children, teaching them critical thinking, reading, and even money skills. Get any of these five and your kids will have a blast.