Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Easy Plumbing Repairs That Don't Require a Plumber

Tired of paying for plumbing repairs? A plumbing industry veteran shares 10 easy repairs that don't require an expensive visit from the plumber.

Do you know how to use a parking meter? Serious question.

I thought I knew the answer to that. Admittedly, I’ve only been driving for seven years and rarely park in downtown Denver, where most of our parking meters are located. But I had

The 3 Rules Every Mediocre Investor Must Know

The surprising truth is that mediocre investing advice is probably right for you. Learn about the basics.

10 Ways Anyone Can Go Solar and Save on Energy

Looking to save some money on your monthly energy bills? Make these changes and you'll save the planet, too!

Tata Nano - Is the world's cheapest car a blessing or a curse?

Today Tata Motors announced that the Tata Nano will be released in India in July, 2009. With a price tag of around $2,000, the Tata Nano is the cheapest car in the entire world.

6 Common Debt Reduction Roadblocks — And How to Beat Them

Excuses are the enemy of debt reduction. Don't let yourself get stopped by one of these repayment roadblocks.

Where to Find Emergency Funds When You Don't Have an Emergency Fund

A costly emergency has sprung up. The only problem? You have a second emergency — no money to cover it. Here's where to find funds fast.

4 Easy Ways to Start Saving for a Down Payment on a Home

Even the humblest of down payments will eat up a sizable savings account. How can you put together a down payment on a home that won't break you?

Don't Make These 5 Common Mistakes When Writing a Will

Everyone needs a last will and testament. Make it easier on your loved ones by avoiding these mistakes.

25 Beautiful Things You Can Make With Paint Sample Cards

The cheapest way to spruce up a space is with paint. Sample paint chips, that is.

The 9 Everyday Products With the Biggest Markups

Skip these high markup everyday buys and choose cheaper alternatives — or use the knowledge to negotiate harder and save.

The 5 Best Sous Vide Tools

Cooking the perfect meal isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these sous vide tools and take dinner to a whole new level of yum.

Save More Gas by Safely Following Trucks

I have been trying to drive at 55 miles per hour to save gas, and I am doing it by driving behind big trucks in the slow lane so that I do not get honked at or pulled over by the h

6 Ways to Get your Toiletries for Cheap or Even Free!

With my budget straining at the increase in the cost of milk, I can’t always justify buying my favorite shampoo, the best razor, or that luxurious body wash I crave. I have found

9 Career Tips Your Younger Self Would Give You

There's a lot you wish you could say to your younger self. But your younger self has some sound job advice for current-you, too.

7 Easy First Steps to Paying Off Debt

Facing debt can be overwhelming. Where do you start? These simple steps will start you on the path to repayment.

These At-Home Exercises Will Give You a Gym-Quality Workout for Free

If the gym membership was a casualty of your war on spending, you don't have to suffer flabby abs. Get fit at home with these great routines.

17 Cool Jobs for Book Lovers

Reading is fundamental — to an exciting career in words. Read on, bookworms, for the job just right for you.

How to Help Your Adult Children Become Financially Independent

If your grown children are still depending on you for every little money matter, it's time to teach them how to go it alone.

5 Things That Could Wreck an Early Retirement

Those chasing early retirement with aggressive saving and frugal lifestyles should also prepare for unexpected costs, post retirement.