Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Reasons Why Financial Planning Isn't Just for the Wealthy

Financial planning doesn't care how much money you make. You still need to do it.

5 Frugal Lessons I Learned From Aldi

Grocery store chain Aldi is my frugal idol. Learn the simple life lessons that shopping at Aldi has taught me.

10 Financial Resolutions You Can Conquer Before New Year's

Don't wait for the ball to drop and the Champagne to pour; get cracking on these financial resolutions before the end of the year!

You Are What You Do: 16 Ways to Improve Your Body Language

Communication goes far beyond what you say. Here are 16 ways to improve your body language — and hence your communication skills.

5 Ways to Build Retirement Stability in Your 50s

Your 50s are no time to slow down your financial progress. These critical money moves could save your retirement.

Best Store Credit Cards

Retail branded credit cards may be a wise choice for loyal customers. But what about department store credit cards?

FICO or FAKO: Are Free Credit Scores From Credit Cards the Real Thing?

Your credit card provider might offer your credit score —for free! — every month. Here's what you need to know about that complimentary number.

14 Ways to Allergy-Proof Your Home

Allergy season has arrived. Is your home ready?

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Healthy Snacks?

Tell us about your favorite healthy snacks and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Ways to Get Paid to Read

The next time you're relaxing with a good book you could be getting paid for it.

6 Easy Ways to Stop Wasting Plastic

Want to do your part and help the environment? Cut back on plastic by cutting out these six things.

The Three F Rule Can Lead You to Happiness

In advertising, my chosen career, there is an unwritten rule for working with clients that makes everyone’s lives just a little better. It’s the three F rule. But when I explained

How Reflecting on Possessions Can Help You Resist Impulse Buys

The key to resisting impulse buys could be as simple as thinking about items you already own.

15 Delicious Ways to Prepare a Humble Head of Cabbage

A staple in frugal pantries the world over, cabbage is full of nutrients, low in pesticides, and inexpensive. Add cabbage to your diet with one of these classic preparations.

9 Costly Things New Homeowners Don't Prepare For

Buying a home can be one of the most exciting things in your life...and the most unexpectedly expensive. Discover nine things you should budget for.

5 Websites for Swapping Your Clothes and Refreshing Your Wardrobe

Clothing swaps parties have become popular in recent years as frugal and fashion conscious men and women find that trading clothes is a great way to update a wardrobe for next to n

The 5 Best Waterproof Laptop Cases

While these best five water proof cases won't protect your laptop from a prolonged dunking, they will protect it from a good spritzing.

20 Great Uses for a Bandana

From survival first aid to home decor, a colorful, inexpensive bandana is as versatile as it is cheap. Learn more about what a square of cotton cloth can do.

A Restaurant Where You Pay What You Can Afford For The Meal?

It sounds like something out a movie, but it’s actually right out of Denver, my home city. And this wonderful idea is not only incredibly innovative and generous, it’s also working

The 5 Best Label Makers

Staying organized isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these label makers and your stuff will never get lost.