Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Share Your Favorite FinCon Moments and Win $100!

We had a blast at the Financial Blogger Conference. Please come share your stories!

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know You Could Buy at Costco

Paper goods, giant bags of peanuts, a year's supply of toothpaste… yeah, Costco sells that. Costco also sells 401(k) plans and caskets. Wait. What?

The 5 Worst Pieces of Financial Advice Your Friends Give You

Have you been listening to any of this advice from your friends? If you have, you need to stop right now.

7 Things Employers Care About More Than Your Degree

When you're applying for a new job, every advantage helps. And these days, a college degree alone just won't cut it.

10 Magic Words to Say to Get the Best New Car Price

High-pressure salespeople are clever with words — especially in the auto market. Turn the tables with these negotiation winners.

The 11 Best Websites for Renting Your Extra Space

Turn to the Internet for fast, simple, and safe ways to get your rental property in front of the right audience.

6 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Mold on Common Household Items

Yuck mold — and it's everywhere! Get rid of it while keeping your stuff with some easy cleaning tricks.

Is there a secret code to control traffic lights?

So, what's the deal — is there actually a code to change the crosswalk light?

Why a Deferred Annuity May Be a Smarter Buy Than Long-Term Care Insurance

Staggering long-term care insurance costs have retirees looking to an alternative solution; the deferred annuity.

5 Benefits of Carrying a Mortgage Into Retirement

You wanted to ditch that mortgage before you retired; you didn't. That's OK! There are some benefits to bringing your home loan into your golden years.

The Millennials Guide to Avoiding Credit Card Debt

Millennials have a shared fear; credit card debt. But don't worry — it's entirely possible to use credit cards and avoid crippling debt.

Which of These 9 Retirement Accounts Is Right for You?

Picking the right retirement account can be a little tricky. Here's a break down of the best plans to help you save money for your future.

9 Skills That Will Be Obsolete Soon

Today's youth will never know the struggles of flirting, parallel parking, or writing in cursive. What skills will you forget soon?

4 Risky Life Decisions That Millionaires Made — But You Shouldn't

Sure, some of the most successful and wealthy people in the world have quit school, but does that mean you should too? Uh, no.

Green Switch for Green Savings

Did you know that even after turning everything off in your home, you are still paying for electricity consumption you may be unaware of? If you’re like me, that should get both th

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save On Summer Gear?

Tell us how you save on summer gear and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

12 Personal Finance Skills Everyone Should Master

Budgeting and negotiation are just the tip of the iceberg. How many of these critical life and money skills have you mastered?

25 Ways to Say Thanks

A sincere "thank you" can mean a lot — here are 25 wholehearted, creative, and frugal ways to make it happen.

New Tools for the Unbanked

Lack of access to the banking system has been an expensive burden on the poor. Just recently, a surge in new financial products make it a lot less expensive to be unbanked.

Plan for expensive fuel

Does your budget include a contingency for fuel to get much more expensive? Because it ought to. I learned about the need for contingencies early. [more]