Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What to Expect After These 5 Personal Financial Disasters

When a financial crisis hits, it helps to know exactly what to expect — and how to bounce back.

10 Small Towns With the Most Millionaires Per Capita

Don't let the small town charm fool you; these mini-cities are home to a myriad millionaires.

31 Reasons Why I'm in Love With Thrift Shopping (and You Should Be Too)

Oh thrift store, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

4 Questions to Ask Before Getting a Credit Increase

Before you ask your credit card provider for a limit increase, take the time to ask yourself a few questions, too.

3 Steps to Getting Started in the Stock Market With Index Funds

For new investors with limited resources, the stock market can be confusing and intimidating. Index funds are an easy, low risk, and affordable way to get started.

10 Things I've Learned From Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Making and sticking to a grocery budget hasn't just helped our finances -- it's taught us a thing or two about money, food and life.

7 Ways to Avoid Getting Seriously Sick on Vacation

Don't let a bout of sickness ruin your vacation. Put your health first, even on the road.

Amazing Destinations You Can Go to With Rewards Points and Miles

Check these incredible travel spots off your bucket list with the help of credit card rewards and miles.

6 Sibling Discounts That Can Save You Big

Kids are expensive, but if you've got more than one, you can score some great discounts. You just need to know how to ask.

How to Come Up With $1,000 in the Next 30 Days

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an extra $1,000 at the end of a month? You can do it!

You CAN Learn a New Language — Just Use One of These 3 Apps

Learning a language requires time and effort, but with these apps make it easy as it can be. The best part? Some of them are free!

4 Purchases With Financing Options That Depreciate Fast

Before you take on new financing for that fancy new car or diamond necklace, know that they'll depreciate in a blink.

The Joy of Buying a New Car: 9 Car Buying Tips

There are a few key areas and tips that prospective car shoppers must keep in mind when looking to buy a new or used vehicle.

Top 10 "Unusual" Uses For Duct Tape

From wallets to emergency sunglasses and even boats, duct tape really can fix (or make) almost anything.

The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Tipping

How much should you tip your service providers during the holiday season? Wonder no more.

How to Keep Social Media From Ruining Your Vacation

We all want to take the perfect vacation selfie, but is it really worth ruining your trip?

6 Things to Do on Your First Day at a New Job

Your resume worked, you wowed 'em at the interview, and today's the day. Continue the run by mastering these secrets of first day on the job success.

20 Money Mistakes Everyone Makes But No One Talks About

When a finance blunder make you cringe, you're not alone. We're all guilty of some of these money mistakes.

10 Ways to Acquire Cheap Formal Wear

You can be cheap without looking cheap — just follow this guide to finding inexpensive, great-looking tuxes and gowns.

Think Outside the Index When You Rebalance Your Investment Portfolio

If you are rebalancing your portfolio before the end of the year, make sure you are truly diversified.