Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Things You Should Never Do on LinkedIn

LinkedIn can help you find work, make connections, and get ahead — if you use it right. Are you making any of these LinkedIn miscues?

CFL Bulbs: Greener than most, but not green enough

I’ve embraced the compact fluorescent light bulb revolution wholeheartedly. I preach their money-saving abilities and cite statistics about energy. I comment on brands and varietie

How to Save 10-20% on Online Purchases, Every Day

You don't have to be an extreme couponer to find great deals online. Learn how to get major discounts on online purchases, every day.

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in July

July is a great month to buy a mattress but not so good for a swimsuit. Find out what else is on sale — and what else definitely isn't.

The 5 Best Microwaves

From defrosting an entire chicken to popping all the popcorn in a bag without burning, these microwaves can make your life easier.

Being Happier Through...Botox?

At age 33, I've had Botox injected between my eyebrows to eliminate an annoying frown line. It turns out that it makes me happier, and there is science behind it.

Ace Your Next Performance Review With These 7 Tricks

If you're nervous about that upcoming performance review, here's how to make sure you get glowing feedback.

3 Ways Good Sleep Makes You Wealthier

Being short on a few winks is bad for more than just your health. A bad night's sleep can lead to many harmful money mistakes, too.

Just Saving Isn't Enough: How Cash Flow Allocation Helps You Retire

Classic asset allocation teaches investors to diversify for safety. Apply this strategy to your retirement to keep the bills paid, even in a bad economy.

Why a 50-Year-Old Gadget May Be the Best Cure for Insomnia

Nobody disputes the value of a good night's sleep, and getting it might be as simple as making your bedroom noisier.

The 5 Best Infant Nail Clippers

Trimming a baby's nails isn't always easy, but it can be. Use any of these infant nail clippers and your baby's nails will stay short and clean.

9 Ways to Avoid or Mitigate Flight Delays

Flight cancellations and delays can turn your travels into a hassle. Don't let them! Here's how to deal.

Is Mechanical Breakdown Insurance Worth It?

Depending on your car and your aversion to risk, mechanical breakdown insurance can prove to be a smart investment...or a waste of funds.

How to Bounce Back From a Bankruptcy

A bankruptcy doesn't have to be a black mark on your financial wellbeing. You can bounce back.

7 Ways Grown-Ups Can Make New Friends Without Going Broke

So you want to make new friends, but you don't want to empty your wallet in the process? Worry not, you have options.

What will you do when gas hits $4 per gallon?

The image you're looking at is a classic VW ad from 1979, a response to the gas crisis at that time. I just filled up my tank, and 16 gallons of Plus Unleaded cost me over $52

Best Credit Cards for Cruises

Start planning for your next cruise vacation with these credit cards.

FINANCIAL IQ TEST: How Healthy Is Your Budget?

Budgeting is one of the hardest things for any of us to do well –- and stick to. It requires discipline, attention to detail, and persistence. But it doesn’t have to be impossible;

23 Money-Saving Items Everyone Should Own

What's better than saving on a purchase? Purchasing a product or service — for less — that saves you money over time!

Six Great Tech Tools for Planning Your Own Death

We don't like to think about it, but planning our own death is one of the most important things we can do for our loved ones. These tools can help.