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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Get More from Pumpkin Carving by Baking the Seeds

Even if you don’t celebrate Halloween, the pumpkin is a staple food for fall recipes and decorating schemes. The bright orange squash variety i

Free Shopping at Walgreens

If you could find a way to shop at Walgreens for free, and sometimes to even get paid to shop there, would you?

10 Great Side Jobs for Extroverts

If you're a people person, then these side jobs are right up your alley.

Ask the Readers: Are You Wearing a Costume for Halloween This Year?

Tell us whether you're wearing a costume this Halloween and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Making a good and memorable first impression.

As a professional ad man, I'm ashamed to say that I'm really not good at advertising, well, me. That goes double in social situations. I never know where to stand, how to eat, how

25 Essential Tricks for Quick and Easy Cleaning

Who has time to clean? Get your place ship shape in a hurry with this collection of clever cleaning shortcuts.

13 Cheap Ways to Beat Stress

Take some "me time" to kick stress to the curb without breaking the bank. Now don't you feel refreshed?

How to Ease into Credit Card Rewards After Debt Repayment

You've conquered a mountain of debt. Congrats! Before you go right back to using credit cards again, learn how to proceed with caution.

Fantasy Football Leagues in the Workplace?

It’s that time again. Football fans are gearing up for the excitement of a new season. The rest of the world is prepping for how to deal with it. And Football Fantasy Leagues ar

Who Cares About Where The Stock Market Is Headed?

Where is the stock market headed? Any rally may simply be a "dead cat bounce". And while many investment experts are offering a variety of stock market predictions, some of those

It's the 21st Century — Why Is Your Money Stuck in the 20th?

Millennials have figured out what many finance pros haven't — that too much personal finance advice is stuck in the 20th century.

7 Famous Houses From Film and TV You Can Buy

These homes are as famous as the stars who "lived" in them. And you can live in one, too!

5 Ways to Prevent the Winter Blues from Busting Your Budget

The winter blues can put heavy strain on your sleep, diet, and, you guessed it — even your finances. Here's how to perk up — for your money's sake.

Flashback Friday: 51 Ways to Organize Your Whole Life in 2017

Make 2017 the year of stellar organization by gathering all of your clutter and tossing it out.

Trick Yourself into Saving More of Your Biweekly Paychecks

If you are paid biweekly, you receive 26 paychecks a year. That is, twice a year, you receive three paychecks in a month. What if you mentally “skipped” those two extra paychecks?

6 Foods Science Says Are Actually Making You Dumber

You are what you eat — and that goes for your brain, too. Are you making yourself dumber just by stuffing food in your face?

The 6 Biggest Financial Decisions in Your 20s

Your 20s are exciting — but also the time to get your finances straight for the decades to follow. Make these smart money moves before it's too late.

Gourmet Pizza for Less than a Buck

 I’m a pizza fanatic. I will never turn it down. Ever. While living in Omaha, I looked forward to lunches with m

How Much Can You Afford to Spend in Retirement?

You made it! Now how exactly can you enjoy your retirement without worrying about your savings? Follow these rules of thumb.

6 Totally Free Babysitting Alternatives

Going on a date when you have kids can be expensive, but these creative, free babysitting alternatives will have the whole family looking forward to date night.