The quickest, easiest way to increase your income is to raise your prices. If you’re worried about losing customers, do the math. You’ll be surprised at how many yo
It's not unheard of for something to cause problems part way through a business sale, no matter how much time you have to prepare for the sale. But you can minimize the risk.
Finding proper eyewear for running isn't easy, but it can be. Just wear any of these running sunglasses and your peepers will be protected on all your runs.
There is an enormous amount of uncertainty about federal taxes for 2010 and 2011. Amid this uncertainty, there are some new rules that will take effect in 2011.
Crowdfunding enable entrepreneurs in artisanal and creative businesses to collect small donations from friends, family, and acquaintances to bring a project to fruition.
Today we found some awesome articles on ways to make your resume rock, what to do when you need emergency cash, and ways to eat at home and beat the summer heat.
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Why You Should Raise Your Prices
The quickest, easiest way to increase your income is to raise your prices. If you’re worried about losing customers, do the math. You’ll be surprised at how many yo
4 Pricing Strategies to Promote Value
Don't get sucked into a price war. Instead, change the way your customers view your products.
Best Money Tips: Save Money When Staying at a Hotel
Today we found some great articles on ways to save money when staying at a hotel, shopping rules of thumb, and ways to maximize Craigslist revenue.
7 Money-Saving Tricks You Can Learn From Same-Sex Couples
Same-sex couples have a lot to teach heteros about partnering up, starting with some easy cost cutting and frugal living tips.
Unexpected Problems in a Business Sale
It's not unheard of for something to cause problems part way through a business sale, no matter how much time you have to prepare for the sale. But you can minimize the risk.
Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/31, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes
Topic: Having a Frugal Labor Day Weekend! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!
Values-Based Consulting: How to Attract and Keep Clients
Values-Based Consulting is built on a solid foundation of professional ethics, responsiveness, empathy and commitment.
10 Quick Financial Moves to Make Today at Lunch
Escape the office for an hour every day and spend your time managing your finances for maximum return — and early retirement.
The 5 Best Running Sunglasses
Finding proper eyewear for running isn't easy, but it can be. Just wear any of these running sunglasses and your peepers will be protected on all your runs.
5 Ways to Make the Collections Process Easier
Collections are a fact of life when you run your own business. Sooner or later, you'll have to chase down a payment.
15 Cheap, Easy Ways to Make Your Home Safer
Taking care of a few simple home repairs and improvements can protect you and your family from minor accidents — or much worse.
Tax Rules You Should Know About for 2011
There is an enormous amount of uncertainty about federal taxes for 2010 and 2011. Amid this uncertainty, there are some new rules that will take effect in 2011.
10 Exercises to Do at Work That Don't Make You Look Silly
Realistically, most of us can't pull out crazy yoga poses, lift weights, or do jumping jacks at work. Here are 10 realistic exercises for the office.
Beyond Silicon Valley: 7 Side Benefits Your Job Could Offer Soon
Beyond paid vacation days and subsidized health care, the benefits offered by future employers could easily overshadow what we get today.
How to Raise Money on “Crowdfunding” Sites
Crowdfunding enable entrepreneurs in artisanal and creative businesses to collect small donations from friends, family, and acquaintances to bring a project to fruition.
3 Obvious Sales Strategies You May Be Neglecting
Whether you run a hair salon or high tech startup, these tips should help you improve your sales.
The Key to Workplace Success: Be an Energizer
What is the most important quality to determining employee success? According to author Robert Sutton, nothing is as crucial as "energy."
5 Year-End Actions to Improve Your Business
These tax deductions won't just save you money; they'll help your business grow.
Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Your Resume Rock
Today we found some awesome articles on ways to make your resume rock, what to do when you need emergency cash, and ways to eat at home and beat the summer heat.
5 Money Mistakes Couples Who Live Together Might Make After a Breakup
Breaking up is hard to do. When money is involved, it's even harder.