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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Yes, You Can Pay for Education With an IRA

There's more than one way to help pay for college. This little known tip could save you from taking out student loans.

Can You Afford to Follow Your Dreams? Can You Afford NOT to?

This is where I was going to write a lot of pretty things about having priorities and about how money can't be everything or else you'll die sad. In the last couple of days, though

20+ Things You Need in Your House to Keep Your Family Safe

Home is where the heart is — and where your family should always be safe. Don't skimp on these basic home safety precautions.

9 Fun and Affordable Vacation Ideas

Are your vacation plans stressing you and your budget? Consider some frugal alternatives for plenty of fun and relaxation that won't require overtime to cover it.

6 Reasons to Love Your Bank

Banks (especially big banks) tend to be vilified in the media. But there are some very good reasons to be thankful we have them.

Build a Cable to Control Your Android Phone While You Drive

The music app on my Nexus One starts and stops randomly when a standard stereo plug is plugged into the 3.5mm headphone jack. I did a bit of research and decided that I could solve

How to Save Money on Kids' Activities

Balancing all of your kids' activities can be stressful — and expensive. Start getting creative about saving while your kids get creative about fun!

Watch All The Documentary Movies You Can Handle, Free Online - And Yes, It's Legal.

So you love watching movies for free, and you also love getting instant access to them. Well, if those movies happen to be documentaries, there is a great free online resource for

The 5 Best Foot Scrubbers

Keeping your feet smooth isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these foot scrubbers and your feet will always look pampered.

Are You Paying These 6 Unfair Banking Fees?

Fees here, fees there, banking fees everywhere. Cut the expense of banking and other financial services by shopping smart and choosing fee-free.

Are We Headed Toward a Bull or Bear Market?

The stock market's movements are anybody's guess, but a few key factors can hint at either a bull or a bear.

19 Frugal Ways to Entertain Teenagers

Teens can be a tough audience to entertain. But even the most restless and demanding teenagers will have fun with one or more of these activities.

6 Cool Jobs for Retirees

Working in retirement is a reality for many. But the right gig can be a fun and rewarding way to earn cash in your golden years.

25 Great Gifts for $5 or Less

Need some non-crafty, hardly homemade gift ideas, all for less than $5? Here are 25 with something suitable for nearly everyone on your gift list.

7 Ways a Mindfulness Journal Can Fix Your Life

Believe it or not, self-awareness is power. And a mindfulness journal can help you harness that power.

We Do the Math: Save for Retirement or Pay Off Credit Card Debt?

It's a finance question for the ages: Should you save for retirement, or pay off credit card debt? Find out what the math says.

Bigger Paycheck or Bigger Tax Refund — Which Should You Pick?

Usually planning your taxes for a small refund is best, but not always. Analyze your money psychology and your spending to make the right choice.

The 5 Best Hair Curlers

To get perfect curls that last, not any hair curler will do. You need one of these best five hair curlers.

How a Family of 4 Can See Italy for $1,000 or Less

Italy is home to beautiful views and sought-after experiences, but it's also expensive to reach. This guide can help you see this amazing destination for $1,000 or less.

3 Steps to Getting Started in the Stock Market With Index Funds

For new investors with limited resources, the stock market can be confusing and intimidating. Index funds are an easy, low risk, and affordable way to get started.