Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Newspaper or Magazine Subscriptions That Are Actually Worth the Cost

With so much news and info available for free online, why pay for it? Because you just can't get what some publications create anywhere else.

How to Talk About a Previous Job in an Interview

Your interviewer asks the killer question: "How did you like your previous job?" Here's how to respond without blowing it.

4 Sort-of Small Kitchen Gadgets that Equal Big Savings!

Are your kitchen counters cluttered with unused small appliances and dusty “do-it-all” gizmos? Learn how to use these top four appliances to cut meal prep, clean-up time, and a bi

3 Cheap and Easy Formulas for Homemade Windshield De-Icer (Plus Bonus Tips)

It’s that dreaded time of year. Each trip to town requires a 10-minute pre-start on my car, and the hated task of scraping my windshield. There are several options to help you wi

How to Improve Your Credit Score

By following a few simple steps you can improve your financial situation and credit score.

The 5 Best USB-Powered Fans

Keeping yourself and your computer cool in a stuffy work area isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these USB-powered fans and your work area will always be chill.

The Simplest Way to Live Simply — And Cheaply

Simple living starts from a single action — prioritize what matters. Learn how to take that basic step and the ones that follow come easy.

The 5 Best Running Sunglasses

Finding proper eyewear for running isn't easy, but it can be. Just wear any of these running sunglasses and your peepers will be protected on all your runs.

4 Cheap and Easy Homemade Mosquito Repellents

When summer hits, the mosquitoes start swarming. Here are several easy, cheap, and chemical-free recipes for making homemade mosquito repellent.

5 Expenses to Ditch After Age 30

Thirty is just a number, but there are several types of expenses that we should probably ditch upon hitting the Big 3-0.

5 Tricks to Making the Most of Your Reward Miles

You've racked up tons of reward miles. Learn how to make them take you further away than ever before.

9 Problems You Can't Solve With Money

Many problems we face require us to spend money to solve them. Use the three-step plan to decide if the solution is worth the cost.

Best Money Tips: Best Skills for Making More Money

Today we found articles on the best skills for making more money, how to quit bad money habits that rob you blind, tips for preparing the soil for your vegetable garden.

The 7 Most Affordable Destinations for Bird Nerds

If bird watching is a hobby of yours, you'll love these affordable vacation spots.

Why Cruises Are the Best Option for a Cheap Family Vacation

Looking to book a family getaway that won't break the budget? Search no more and head to the high seas!

How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Try Something New

Trying something new can feel exhilarating — and completely terrifying. Learn how to get over your fear to do something fresh and exciting.

7 Effortless Ways to Prevent Budget-Busting Impulse Buys

Impulse buys can really bust your budget. Here's how to resist the urge, without much effort.

5 Characteristics of the World's Youngest Billionaires

There are 2200 billionaires in the world, and just 63 are under the age of 40. Here's what they have in common.

6 Steps to Eliminating Your Debt Painlessly

Eliminating Debt Painlessly. Rarely do you see these words fit together in a neat little sentence. The very act of putting your hard earned money towards the stack of debts you've

Huge Tax-Free Investment Returns

The fact is, you can pretty easily get 30% or more on investments that are not only very safe but come with built-in inflation protection. But don't get too excited.