Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Why is Gasoline So Cheap? A Cost Comparison of 40 Common Household Liquids

Do you know which is more expensive: one gallon of gasoline or one gallon of orange juice? How about one gallon of glue? Read on for a comparison of the price gasoline and other f

5 Reasons Not to Delete Your Emails

One writer has found that keeping her emails has saved her time, frustration, and recently, over $300. Discover why a full inbox can be a good thing.

The 5 Best Night Lights

Unless you have superpowers or night vision goggles, you can't see in the dark. Luckily, any of these quality night lights solve that problem.

11 Great Apps for Book Lovers

Nothing beats the feel of a well-made book, but you can't carry your whole library with you to the park.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Enjoy Most About the Holidays?

Tell us what you enjoy most about the holidays and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What a New Baby Really Needs

If you don't want to break the bank getting ready for your new baby, check this list for the items that are truly essential — and those that can be ignored.

Yes, You Still Need an Emergency Fund in Retirement

An emergency fund isn't just for the working world. You need to bring one into retirement, too.

10 Things You're Paying Too Much for When You Travel (and How to Pay Less)

With all the hassles of travel, it's easy to get nickel and dimed. Look for these common overcharges and learn how to get the same service for less.

The Simple Way to Save Enough Money for Your Dream Goals

Stop dreaming about a house, a car, or a wonderful vacation. Make those big purchases real with this simple long-term savings strategy.

The Psychology of Free, and Its Power Over You

From Craigslist to grocery samples, free stuff is everywhere. Understand how marketers use "free," the psychology behind it, and how it affects your habits.

Should You Make Your Young Kids Pay "Rent?"

A viral Facebook post has parents everywhere wondering: Should you charge your young kids rent?

How to Stay on Budget While Eating Paleo

Eating like a cave man can be surprisingly expensive. Use these tips to eat paleo wisely, without blowing your budget.

The 7 Most Relaxing Ways to Spend Your Lunch Hour

When your lunch break rolls around, leave the computer, get off the phone, and use your time for you — stop giving it to the man.

3 Reasons Not to Save for Your Child's College Fund

It goes against common advice, but you might be better off not saving for your child's college education. Here's why.

How to Keep DIY Projects From Ruining Your Life

Before you swing a wrecking ball through your hard-earned savings, you should decide if home improvement DIY is worth it at all.

Plan for expensive fuel

Does your budget include a contingency for fuel to get much more expensive? Because it ought to. I learned about the need for contingencies early. [more]

Tips For Eating Out Cheaply

My husband and I eat out quite often because we just do not have the time and energy to cook on most weekdays. Even though we go out three times a week or more, we do not really s

Ultimate Guide to Cash Back Shopping

You can actually earn back some of what you spend on Internet purchases. Learn more about the programs available and how to avoid common mistakes.

15 Things You Should Do Today to Prepare for a Pandemic Flu

For the past few years people have been telling us that it's not a matter of "if" a pandemic occurs, but a matter of "when." Well, a pandemic may be upon us. Or it may not. Either

Life Without Toiletpaper - Bum Deal?

How far would you go to save the world? Upon reading the New York Times article about the Beaven-Conlin household in Manhattan, I started to get a little queasy. [more]