Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Here's How You Should Budget Your Social Security Checks

You don't get to quit budgeting just because you've retired. Actually, if you collect Social Security benefits, it's more important than ever.

7 Websites for Free Video Games

Whether for nostalgia or to satisfy your craving for video games, these sites offer hours and hours of retro and throwback time wasters.

9 Money Questions You Should Be Able to Answer by Age 30

You're turning the big 3-0. Do you have the answers to these all-important money questions?

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

You don't hear it much any more, but for a long time, "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich" was a pretty effective line for the average Joe when dealing w

What to Do If You Don't Have Your ID at the Airport

If you've misplaced your passport and ID just before boarding a flight, don't panic! Hope is not lost.

A Simple Guide to Planning For a Loved One's Long-Term Care

Our aging loved ones deserve the best care possible. Plan for it now, and make the process much easier later.

10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Life Before the End of the Year

There's still plenty of time left before New Year's to make this the best year ever!

How to Simplify Your Life to Avoid Decision Fatigue

Making lots of small decisions is taxing. Save your decision-making juice for the big ones with this simple plan.

6 Dumb Things Employment Recruiters See People Do

This former employment recruiter saw job applicants make a lot of stupid mistakes. Here's what to avoid if you want to get hired.

Preparing for a Recession

Find out what, exactly, is a recession and what you can do to prepare for it.

10 Ways to Keep Your Laptop Safe When Traveling

Your laptop probably holds more critical personal data than anything else you own. Learn how to keep it safe and sound, especially when you're on the road.

5 Biggest Ways Millennials Risk Their Retirements

Millennials are stuck making some tough money calls. Unfortunately, it's their retirement fund that gets hit the hardest.

4 Credit Card Transactions That Don't Earn Rewards

Credit card rewards are pretty awesome, but they don't dole 'em out for everything.

6 Ways to Travel On a Budget While in Expensive Countries

Just because you're in a pricey location doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune to enjoy it.

Relax... It's Only $2

Feeling stressed out, my first instinct is to schedule a one hour massage and order take out from the Chinese place. After doing t

Never Order Fish on Mondays and 7 Other Bad Days to Buy Stuff

Mark your calendar and hide your wallet. These shopping days of the week, month, and even year come with higher prices and lower quality.

Downside of the Rolling Jubilee

The Rolling Jubilee is a great PR move — buying, then forgiving debt from real people. But in terms of change, one writer says it might hurt more than help.

How I Grocery Shop

First, I will commit heresy by saying that I no longer write a full weekly menu.

5 Things Yoga Can Teach You About Money

Money comes in; money goes out. You may not know it, but while you're practicing your downward dog, you may also be improving your finances.

7 Questions a Potential Employer Cannot Ask You

No, this list does not include "tell me about a time you messed up at work and what you did to fix it." You have to answer that one.