Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Morning Commute

If you're lucky enough to have reliable public transportation, you're lucky enough to have a few extra moments of you-time. Make the most of it!

Food Safety Reminder: Rinsing the Bird Is Bad for Your Health

Do you rinse your poultry and other meats before cooking? Well stop!

You Don't Need a Retirement Plan — You Need a Financial Independence Plan

If planning for retirement is your primary financial goal, you may be doing it wrong.

The 5 Best Infant Nail Clippers

Trimming a baby's nails isn't always easy, but it can be. Use any of these infant nail clippers and your baby's nails will stay short and clean.

From Clutter to Clean: Make Your Desk Awesome

If things feel out of control, you can find your center in an unlikely place — the office. Destress and declutter your life, starting at your desk.

Ace Your Next Performance Review With These 7 Tricks

If you're nervous about that upcoming performance review, here's how to make sure you get glowing feedback.

3 Ways Good Sleep Makes You Wealthier

Being short on a few winks is bad for more than just your health. A bad night's sleep can lead to many harmful money mistakes, too.

Just Saving Isn't Enough: How Cash Flow Allocation Helps You Retire

Classic asset allocation teaches investors to diversify for safety. Apply this strategy to your retirement to keep the bills paid, even in a bad economy.

11 Ways Your Friends Can Save You Money

Your friends can help you get big discounts, live healthier and even get free stuff!

9 Ways to Avoid or Mitigate Flight Delays

Flight cancellations and delays can turn your travels into a hassle. Don't let them! Here's how to deal.

7 Foods That Are Scientifically Proven to Increase Happiness

The next time you're feeling down, try a spicy spinach salad topped with poached turkey and salmon, and chase with a handful of chocolate truffles.

Is Mechanical Breakdown Insurance Worth It?

Depending on your car and your aversion to risk, mechanical breakdown insurance can prove to be a smart investment...or a waste of funds.

How to Bounce Back From a Bankruptcy

A bankruptcy doesn't have to be a black mark on your financial wellbeing. You can bounce back.

6 Ways of Improving Your Lottery Odds

We're not fans of lotteries — you're more likely to get struck by lightning — but if you must, try these hacks to make your odds less minuscule.

No Hot Water: Now What?

It has happened to the best of us. You step into the shower, fiddling with the temp controls, only to find there is no hot water. You can curse and you can cry, but even the spee

Lessons in Simple Living From Extreme Minimalists

You don't have to forsake your worldly possessions to find bliss, but we can all live more frugally — and more elegantly — by learning from those who have.

Post Divorce Finances: 7 Steps to Rebuilding Your Financial House

Severing a conjoined life and combined finances as a result of divorce is painful through and through. The jump to a single income lifestyle paves the way to feeling the cash crunc

How to Save Without Goals

Basic plans for saving and investing that don't require use of a formal financial plan with specific goals.

11 Small Ways to Save Big on Ink

Printers are cheap but printer ink is pricey. One-time and day-to-day adjustments can help prevent waste and save money.

Avoid These 6 Mistakes Newbies Make With Their First Credit Cards

Getting your first credit card allows you to enter the financial mainstream. Be sure to avoid these common mistakes that can cost you.