Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Simple All Natural Bug and Mosquito Repellents

Those stinging, biting bugs are back in the air — but you can keep them at bay naturally with these 10 concoctions and tricks.

The 5 Best Fabric Softeners

Do you like your clothes feeling extra soft? Then add any one of these five superb fabric softeners to your next laundry run.

10 Ways to Prevent an Emergency From Driving You Into Debt

If you're caught short when life catches you short, don't panic. Instead, try these strategies to manage an emergency and avoid debt.

Why Recycling Is My Lowest Priority

Recycling may not be the saving grace we all believe it to be. Before you even consider putting out your curbside bin, learn what you should do first.

4 Reasons Why a "Good Enough" Decision May Be Best

Humans are emotional, forgetful, and easily overwhelmed: In short, we're not great decision makers. Learn why settling for "good" is the best decision.

You Can Too: 7 Amazing Things People Have Accomplished in Under a Year

You're capable of more than you think. Don't believe it? Just read what people like you have accomplished in less than a year.

4 Easy Ways to Automate Your Everyday Life

Don't let the little things distract you from the big picture. Free your mind for bigger things by putting your life on autopilot.

9 Crazy Investments of the Rich and Famous

The rich and famous are no strangers to wild money matters. Do any of these crazy investments ring a bell?

Get Those Omega-3s Without Paying Mega Prices

Omega-3-fortified foods are pricey -- but there are other, cheaper ways to get those very important fatty acids.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Have a Frugal Halloween?

Tell us how you have a frugal Halloween and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Minimize Financial Stress During the Holidays

The holiday season can put a dent in your savings, but it doesn't have to send you into major debt. Here's how to protect your finances from holiday madness.

Get the Most From Your Airline Miles in These 5 Overlooked Cities

You worked hard for your miles! Make them take you further by traveling to these five overlooked world cities.

All About Deflation

Deflation is back in the news, and for good reason: It's a real risk.  

10 Ways to Get Over Jet Lag and Enjoy Your Trip

Don't let jet lag ruin your vacation! These tricks will have you up and at 'em right from the start of your far away vacay.

The Best Way to Freeze Produce and Meat

Pinch pennies while doing your part to stop food waste. Learn how to freeze everything from cheese to fruit.

Pretty, Cheap: Makeup Advice for the Frugal

If you're perplexed about makeup and aren't sure what works best for you, you're not alone. Check out these tips to make buying makeup easier.

6 Signs Your College Is a Scam

Higher education is always a good idea, right? Wrong. Some colleges are a total scam.

How to Buy and Prepare Fresh Fish

Learn how to choose the freshest fish and add this delicious and healthy protein to your diet.

6 Reasons Cash Back Is Better Than Travel Rewards

Travel rewards are great for jet-setters, but for the rest of us, cash back is the better deal.

Tech Life: 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be an Early Adopter

It might be a boost for your ego, but it's a bummer for your wallet. Learn why avoiding early adoption saves you money — and gets you better tech.