Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What you need to know about getting what you want at work

Yesterday, I had a one-on-one with my boss. I knew the meeting was coming up, and I also knew that my job had changed recently and I wasn't thrilled with those changes. So I did so

Asiana Visa Signature Credit Card Review

The Asiana credit card offers rewards for everyday purchases like gas and groceries, allowing you to earn free travel quicker.

Best Money Tips: 10 Things You Pay Too Much For

Today we found some great articles on things you probably pay too much for, ways to reuse plastic bottles, and easy tips for cutting down on daily expenses.

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly - What Kind Of Blog Commenter Are You?

As a writer for a blog that’s growing in popularity, I’m noticing that several different types of blog commenters exist. And not just on Wisebread, but also on every other blog I read. [more]

Cow Appreciation Day!

Are you just itching to pull out that cow costume? Or have you ever wanted to dress like a cow and get rewarded for it? Then, Friday, July 13th might just be your day! Chick-Fil

How to Beat Grocery Price Increases

Facing grocery price increases caused by food shortages can be daunting — but with these frugal techniques, you can drastically cut your bill.

FinCon12: The Second Annual Financial Blogger Conference

The 2nd Annual Financial Blogger Conference is just days away! Phil Taylor from PT Money has an amazing conference planned for all attendees!

The 5 Best Money Podcasts

You can find podcasts about everything, even personal finance. Add these to your queue and improve your finances whenever the time is right.

Best Money Tips: Time-Saving Secrets of Laid-Back Cooks

Today we found time-saving secrets of laid-back cooks, over 25 ways to decorate pumpkins without carving, and the most affordable Caribbean vacation destinations.

It Pays to Call and Ask

Sometimes you have to ask 20 different people 20 different ways. It's usually worth it.

Miser v. Stunna: A Case Study

Miserly is derived from a Latin term that means "wretched." It is the linguistic blood relative of miserable. Stuntin' is when you spend too much money and w

Here's When You Should Switch to Your Partner's Health Insurance

Ready to jump ship from your work-offered health insurance to your spouse's? Be sure to weigh these six key factors first.

Best Money Tips: Cheap (and Creative) Valentine's Day Ideas

Today we found some great articles on cheap and creative Valentine's Day ideas, updating your life without emptying your wallet, and paying down debt.

Best Money Tips: How You Might Be Killing Your Car

Today we found some great articles on how you might be killing your car, why stressing over debt isn't always necessary, and flu-fighting foods.

10 Ways Working From Home Can Save (And Cost) You Big

Working from home will often help you save money, but not always.

Is daylight-saving time a complete waste of energy?

This weekend the clocks “spring forward.” I’m not a huge fan of DST . In fact, I’m not a fan of anything that steals

Road To Becoming A Rich Idiot

Ever met a rich idiot? I’ve known at least two. Not counting my telephone conversation with self-proclaimed Rich Idiot and multimillionaire Robert Shemin (author of “How come TH

Ask the Readers: How Do You Work Exercise Into Your Day?

Tell us how you work exercise into your day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Go Golf Cart Go: The Battery-Powered Solution?

Spotted moving along on the roads in my city just last week was a golf cart. Is this solution to high gas prices (a bare-bones battery-powered vehicle) wise or even legal? I’ll tel

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money in March

Today we found helpful articles on how to save money in March, good goals for a more organized life, and spring gardening tips to help you save on produce.