Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Financing an Expansion

There are a number of sources of capital for most business owners who need help financing an expansion. It's just a matter of finding the right fit for your company.

8 Ways Telework Can Save You $20,000 a Year

Everyone touts the work life benefits and savings of telework for employees, but why should business owners want their people working at home?

Managing Employees Who Irritate Others

Even the most sophisticated and well-meaning people can bring quirky behaviors to the workplace.

Best Money Tips: Inexpensive Family Outings

Today we found some great articles on inexpensive family outings, how to negotiate fees and save on expenses, and Netflix alternatives.

5 Ways Environment Can Impact Health Insurance Costs

No matter what type of business you run, there may be opportunities to improve the work environment — the decrease the cost of health insurance.

7 Times Buying Generic Will Cost You

For many products, generic or store-brand options are good buys. But for these products, you're better off sticking with a trusted brand name.

4 Indulgences Your Business Can't Afford

Your waistline probably can't afford an extra cookie before bedtime. Your business probably can't afford these four budget busters, either.

Best Money Tips: Financial Gifts for Children

Today we found some great articles on financial gift ideas for children, preventing airport spending, and fun things to do for free or on the cheap.

7 Easy Steps for Planning a Trip Around the World

Planning a world trip can be a daunting task. Follow these steps and it'll be a breeze.

Best Money Tips: Holiday Savings Tips

Today we found some great articles on holiday savings tips, cash back credit card traps, and why it's still a good idea to get your bachelor's degree.

7 Tips for Small Business Success in Troubled Times

When the going gets tough, small business gets going.

The 5 Best Free Stock Photo Sites

Images for marketing materials can be expensive, but you can save by using stock photos. Here's what you should know about several popular stock photo services.

The Top 5 Group Buying Sites: Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em?

Group buy sites such as Groupon can be a boon for small businesses eager to get noticed. But they are not without risk. Here's a look at five of the most popular.

What Easter Island Can Teach Us About Money

What do the iconic stone statues and barren landscape of Easter Island have to do with modern financial planning? As it turns out, quite a lot.

8 Easy Ways to Green Your Small Business

Greening up your business can boost your image, your bottom line, and your sense of well being. And it can be as easy as turning off the lights.

Big Bytes: Using Tech for Restaurant Discounts

From apps to coupons and more, discover how you can use technology to score sweet dining discounts — even at the last minute.

Best Money Tips: Surprising Things You Can Turn Into Cash

Today we found some great articles on surprising things you can turn into cash, common foods you can easily grow in a small home, and how to save hundreds on your car loan.

5 Surefire Ways to Maintain a Good Credit Score in Retirement

You relied on good credit to see you through to retirement — don't put those good financial habits aside just yet!

American Savings Secured Visa Credit Card Review

The American Savings Secured Visa credit card offers an opportunity to rebuild bad credit with a low fee, interest earning option.

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Save Money This Summer

Today we found some great articles on ways to save money this summer, slashing your expenses, and saving on haircuts.

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