Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Frugal Ways to Help Your Child Get the Best Education

Making sure your kids get the best education possible isn't always easy, but these resources can help you create a challenging curriculum on the cheap.

Why You Don’t Need Mortgage Life Insurance

When you sign for your mortgage, you are offered mortgage life insurance as part of the deal, with liability forms to sign if you decline it. Which is better - mortgage life insura

It costs nothing to be nice.

I was in McDonald's this morning, returning a RedBox movie rental. I've seen a lot more of this place since I started using RedBox actually, and although I don't order

More Rewards, More Benefits: The JetBlue Plus Card

JetBlue flyers will love the new JetBlue Plus Card that offers bigger and better rewards.

7 Apps for the Tech-Challenged Traveler

Not so smartphone-savvy? No worries. These travel apps are easy to use and super helpful.

Three E-Books to Help You Make Money, Travel, and Change Your Life

It’s no secret that many of us are looking for something different in life. And one of the biggest things we can change about our lives is how we work. If we are not tied to a desk

8 Free (and 4 cheap) Things to Do in Auckland with a Toddler

Sometimes getting out and exploring a city, especially when traveling overseas, can be difficult to do with young children. While this list may contain specific free and cheap item

9 Expensive Mistakes of the Newly Retired

Retirement always has a few bumps in the road. But these nine costly mistakes can derail you completely.

Do You Spend More with Cash or Credit?

I totaled up all my credit card expenses in 2010 to try to figure out if I spent more using credit than I would have with cash. Here's what I found.

10 Little-Known Secrets to Saving Money on Your Next Cruise

These little-known cruising hacks will make saving money smooth sailing.

How to Score Free Rides on Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar

You've heard of ridesharing by now — but did you know you can score free rides? Pocket referral points from Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar!

25GB of FREE online media storage.

Don't leave home without it! Seriously, this is a great resource for file sharing. I often have files that are at least 500MB, sometimes a 1GB. You can't email those, they usually get bounced. [more]

6 Ways to Guarantee Income in Retirement

Retire your fears of outliving your savings. Here's how to guarantee income in your golden years.


Want free access to the more multi media than you can handle? Get yourself to your public library before the powers that be close them all down...

Best Money Tips: WaMu Go Bye-Bye?

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Is WaMu on the way out? Also, learn to control your ego as a means to control your spending, find out how to bargain the right w

10 Smart Uses for Food That's About to Go Bad

Your brown bananas and flimsy fennel may look ready for the trash, but there's still lots of ways to enjoy these soon-to-spoil foods.

How Money Can Destroy Your Dreams

Money can control you or it can free you. It can improve your life or it can make your life miserable. By being aware of how money can affect you, you have already taken the first

Beware of Phony Census Workers

This year the United States Census Bureau will be conducting its regularly scheduled census. Every address in the United States will receive a census form and census workers will b

Financial Freedom and Using Passion to Budget

If we are undirected, we are susceptible to all the external forces of consumerism around us, and whamo, we’re a full-on rat in the race, wondering when the wheel will st

6 Indirect Ways Taxes to the Rich May Hurt You

Should we extend the tax cuts for the rich? This may affect you more than you think, even if you aren't making $250,000 yet.