Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 15 Worst Cities for Frugal People

These 15 international cities are renowned for their culture, vitality, and energy. They're also really, really expensive places to live.

Can Beauty Be THIS Basic?

You're spending too much on skincare. Yep, we said it! Here's why research suggests you stick to the basics.

What Is Your Net Worth?

Unlike the external indicators of wealth we all tend to recognize, net worth is a true indicator of where you stand financially. Find out yours.

5 Signs You're Financially Average — And How to Improve

You're probably pretty average when it comes to money — but that's not necessarily a good thing. Here's how to move to the front of the class.

7 Ways Being Single is Better for Your Bank Account

Being single on February 14 can be a real bummer, but look on the bright side: Your bank account will love you for it.

12 Reasons to Stop Eating Sugar Forever

Sugar is surprisingly bad for us. Protect your health — and your wallet — by taking control of your sweet tooth.


Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who linked to our blog posts over the past week. We couldn't do it without you. And if we could, we wouldn't anyway. THAT'S how strong our love is. [more]

What to Do If Your Adult Child Is Moving Home

If your adult children are moving back or currently living at home, how much support should you be giving them? Here are some things to consider.

Get Cash Back by Caring for Others

I recently discovered a website that offers cash refunds on an assortment of items that I use every day. The nation&#

7 Ways to Ace Your Next Performance Review

Turn your next one-on-one with your boss into a promotion or raise with some common-sense preparation and a willingness to shine.

NotchUp - Get Paid to Go on Interviews

Do you want to be paid for going to interviews? A new Silicon Valley startup is doing just that! Read on for my impressions of NotchUp and details on how you can earn some cash by

Best Money Tips: 7 Phases to Retirement

Today we found some great articles on phases to retirement, productivity tips for freelancers, and stress-free frugality.

How Doing Less Helps You Get More Done

Too much attention to detail can leave us missing the forest for the trees. Step back from detailed agendas and lengthy to-do lists and refocus on the bigger picture.

Best Money Tips: 123 Ways to Save Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on 123 ways to save money, avoiding debt in the New Year, and toxic habits to drop.

15 Ways to Stay on Budget — Even With Your Spendy Friends

You don't have to give up spending time with your friends if you have decided to stop spending money. Here's what to do instead.

4 Easy-to-Fix Reasons Your Savings Account Isn't Growing

Don't get frustrated by a stunted savings account. Make these moves instead to help your money grow.

6 Grocery Purchases That Will Be Cheaper in 2017

We don't know exactly what 2017 will bring, but we do know that these grocery items will cost less!

The 5 Worst Work From Home Jobs

Working from home to earn extra income is a great way to shore up the family budget. Just don't take any of these dubious "opportunities."

Best Money Tips: Dealing With a Boring Job

Today, we share tips to help you deal with a boring job, handy kitchen uses for resealable bags, quick ways for busy moms to relax, and more.

6 Things You Can Look Forward to When You Have Money

We always talk about trying to be financially free, but what happens once you reach that goal? Here are some of the advantages you can enjoy.