Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a Used Car

If you're in the market for good used car, here are five essential questions to ask yourself before you step on the lot or respond to the ad.

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Evaluate Your Budget?

Tell us how often you evaluate your budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Cut Your Tax Bill

Today we found some fantastic articles on cutting your tax bill, saving on your grocery bill, and getting a job after college.

Is DIY Home Renovating for You?

Before you start a DIY home renovation project, consider this question — are you really the right person for the job?

Ask the Readers: What's Your Favorite Grocery Shopping Tip?

Tell us about your favorite grocery shopping tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

My 2016 Budget Challenge: Finding Food

From the streets of LA to the forest floor, Max Wong is finding brilliant ways to cut food costs on her way to finding an extra $31K this year.

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Regretted a Big Purchase?

Tell us if you've ever regretted a big purchase and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Best and Worst Buys of August 2013

Today we found some great articles on the best and worst buys of August 2013, jobs to satisfy your wanderlust, and rules for buying a home.

Garage Triage: Organize Your Garage for Maximum Chore and Storage Efficiency

If your garage is filled with everything but a car, reclaim that space. Get creative, get organized, and transform how you use your garage.

Three reasons to stop freaking out about socialism

McCain-Palin are trying to paint the Obama-Biden ticket as a bunch of socialist nutjobs. But 'socialism' isn't nearly the red menace that they are making it out to be, and McCain h

6 Ways that Dieting and Budgeting are Exactly the Same

The New Year usually brings about two very common goals for most people: Getting in shape and getting their finances under control. Dieting is the number one method of achieving t

Pitting Airline Against Hotel Rewards

If you've ever hesitated before redeeming your airline miles and wondered if you're getting a good deal, you're in good company.

Best Money Tips: Relieve Anxiety With These Soothing Apps

Today we found articles on apps that help relieve anxiety, things that’ll be less expensive this summer, and ways to stay safe with Airbnb.

How to Travel This Holiday Season Without Getting Sick

Get where you're going without picking up any bacteriological hitchhikers by using these holiday travel precautions.

The Upside of the Downturn: RecessionWire

Recession, Reschmession…. Just when you thought you’ve heard everything you could possibly take concerning today’s hottest buzz word, a brilliant website was created in its honor.

7 Deadly Energy Sinners: The Energy Hogs Hiding in Your Home

You'll find power guzzlers in both likely and unlikely places around your home. But by making some fairly painless changes, you can see big savings.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 12/19

Today's deals include 50%-70% off FILA, 66% off 52-Piece Oscillating Multi-Tool Kit, $3.99 or less Kindle book deals, and more!

Best Money Tips: 10 Basic Financial Formulas You Need to Know

Today we found articles on the basic financial formulas you need to know, simple secrets for a fast sale on your house, and what to do when your wallet is stolen.

10 Tips to Up Your Chances of Getting an Email Response

It's frustrating when you send someone an email and never get a response. Follow these steps to improve your chances.

Redfin: The Greatest Real Estate Website Ever

Real estate websites are a dime a dozen, but when you find one that does it all, the rest all fade into the background. Whether you're looking to buy or sell, Redfin has what you n