Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Whether you're looking to earn interest or for great customer service and reasonable fees, these five online checking account are all wise choices.
Don't let a scammer get a hold of your credit card number. Here's how to keep your account secure.
Looking to remodel your home? Here's how to decide between a personal loan and a home equity loan to pay for it.
It's not just enough to save for retirement; you need to make sure your money is inflation proof, too.
You dream of being debt-free, but is it all it's cracked up to be?
Is paying off debt with a credit card ever a good idea? In some cases, yes.
When your latest financial emergency is that you can't afford an emergency, it's time to start building that safety net — quickly!
Before you refinance your auto loan, here's what you need to know.
Your credit card is gone. By the time you report the loss, it's likely one of the following crimes has already happened.
You've finally decluttered your house. Feature these items prominently in your ads and your sale to draw the crowds — and the cash.
Identity theft is a scary subject. But really, you shouldn't panic. Help is right around the corner.
Let robots manage your money for you and you'll never pay a late fee or go over budget again.
Every little bit adds up — and faster than you think! If you can't afford large savings contributions, try these microsaving tools instead.
Those drafty windows and ancient appliances are costing you, big time. This is one audit you'll be happy to endure.
Before you apply for a down payment assistance program to help pay for a house, make sure you understand all the potential downsides.
You have homeowners insurance. What more could you need to protect your house? Actually, these policies might help.
You just got a cash offer for your home! Before you sell, consider these important things first.
When lazy-day boredom sets in, it's time to get creative. Here are 47 ideas to get you started on a fun and frugal weekend.
They say owning a pool is not worth the headache, but you can make pool ownership easier — without spending a lot of money.
If you have no or a bad credit history, getting a secured card could help you build or rebuild your credit score. Find out if one of these cards is right for you.
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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
5 Best Online Checking Accounts
Whether you're looking to earn interest or for great customer service and reasonable fees, these five online checking account are all wise choices.
How to Protect Yourself From Credit Card Theft
Don't let a scammer get a hold of your credit card number. Here's how to keep your account secure.
Should You Use a Personal Loan or a Home Equity Loan to Remodel Your Home?
Looking to remodel your home? Here's how to decide between a personal loan and a home equity loan to pay for it.
4 Ways to Protect Your Retirement From Inflation
It's not just enough to save for retirement; you need to make sure your money is inflation proof, too.
The Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Debt Early
You dream of being debt-free, but is it all it's cracked up to be?
How a Credit Card Can Actually Help You Get Out of Debt
Is paying off debt with a credit card ever a good idea? In some cases, yes.
7 Easy Ways to Build an Emergency Fund From $0
When your latest financial emergency is that you can't afford an emergency, it's time to start building that safety net — quickly!
The Pros and Cons of Refinancing an Auto Loan
Before you refinance your auto loan, here's what you need to know.
Top 5 Ways Thieves Use Your Stolen Credit Card
Your credit card is gone. By the time you report the loss, it's likely one of the following crimes has already happened.
12 Garage Sale Items That Sell Like Hotcakes
You've finally decluttered your house. Feature these items prominently in your ads and your sale to draw the crowds — and the cash.
Don't Panic: Do This If Your Identity Gets Stolen
Identity theft is a scary subject. But really, you shouldn't panic. Help is right around the corner.
5 Ways to Automate Your Finances
Let robots manage your money for you and you'll never pay a late fee or go over budget again.
5 MicroSaving Tools to Help You Start Saving Now
Every little bit adds up — and faster than you think! If you can't afford large savings contributions, try these microsaving tools instead.
4 Ways a Home Energy Audit Will Save You Money
Those drafty windows and ancient appliances are costing you, big time. This is one audit you'll be happy to endure.
6 Pitfalls of Down Payment Assistance Programs
Before you apply for a down payment assistance program to help pay for a house, make sure you understand all the potential downsides.
7 Other Kinds of Insurance You May Need to Buy for Your Home
You have homeowners insurance. What more could you need to protect your house? Actually, these policies might help.
3 Things You Should Consider Before Selling Your House for Cash
You just got a cash offer for your home! Before you sell, consider these important things first.
47 Cheap, Fun Things to Do This Weekend
When lazy-day boredom sets in, it's time to get creative. Here are 47 ideas to get you started on a fun and frugal weekend.
7 Ways to Make Owning a Pool Less of a Nightmare
They say owning a pool is not worth the headache, but you can make pool ownership easier — without spending a lot of money.
The Best Secured Credit Cards
If you have no or a bad credit history, getting a secured card could help you build or rebuild your credit score. Find out if one of these cards is right for you.