Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Reasons Not to Delete Your Emails

One writer has found that keeping her emails has saved her time, frustration, and recently, over $300. Discover why a full inbox can be a good thing.

The 5 Best Hair Clippers

Daunted by the rising costs of haircuts? Cut your hair with your own personal set of hair clippers, and save yourself some time and money.

Passport Pictures for Under a Dollar

Use this technique to produce passport pictures, visa pictures, and any other required id photos, all for under a dollar.

Could you save money by subscribing to an addictive game?

During the Christmas break my husband and I went to dinner with some of his friends from high school. One couple we spoke with told us that they are trying to save money for a dow

Self-Employed? Here's How to Get Your Apartment Application Approved

Being self-employed has its perks — and its challenges. Finding a new apartment can be tricky, but it's not impossible if you can sell your story.

How to Tackle Your Summer Vacation Credit Card Debt

Spent a little too much money while on vacation this summer? We've all been there. Here's how to tackle it, manage it, and then defeat it.

5 Ways Carry-On Luggage Can Save You Time and Money

Airline travel is not much fun, so it makes sense to reduce the burden by packing less and not checking bags. You'll save time, money, and hassle.

7 Ways to Travel More in Retirement

You're officially a retiree! Now that you can see the world, here's how to do it right.

4 Tech Add-Ons That Can Save Travelers Time and Money

Upgrade some of your tech gadgets and your next vacation will be even more amazing.

9 Skills That Will Be Obsolete Soon

Today's youth will never know the struggles of flirting, parallel parking, or writing in cursive. What skills will you forget soon?

11 Unexpected Things Covered by Homeowners Insurance

From volcano eruptions to riots, your homeowners insurance has you covered for even these unexpected things.

Term vs Whole Life Insurance: Here's How to Choose

You know you need life insurance. But the real question is, what kind?

5 Money Moves to Make Before Applying For a Credit Card

If you're feeling the urge to apply for a shiny new credit card, not so fast! Make sure these money moves get checked off first.

5 Things a Homebuyer Shouldn't Say to a Seller's Agent

An open house is the perfect time to get the deets on your potential dream home. It's not the time to get chatty with the seller's agent.

6 Money Lessons You Can Learn From Your Pets

Didn't think you could learn a thing or two about money from your family pet? Think again.

The 5 Best Electronics Wipes

Keeping your touch screens clean isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these electronics wipes and you can scroll without catching all those germs.

What Happens to Debt After Divorce?

Divorce doesn't only involve the distribution of assets; it involves the distribution of debts, too. Here's what to expect when you untie the knot.

Lower Credit Card Rates? Just Ask!

Follow these two easy steps, and you’ll be on your way to lower credit card rates and more money in your pocket.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Love Most About Your Job?

Tell us what you like most about your job and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

When to Use Savings to Pay Off Debt

One of the most common questions over on the Wise Bread forum is some variation on, "I have $X in savings but $Y in credit card debt. Should I use the savings to pay down the debt?