Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What's the Most Extreme Thing You've Done to Save Money?

Tell us about the most extreme thing you've done to save money and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

4 Reasons You Should Splurge on Experiences, Not Things

Stop wasting your money on cluttery stuff that wears out too soon. Invest it instead on experiences you'll remember now — and forever.

The 10 Most Common Financial Aid Mistakes — And How To Avoid Them

Acing FAFSA is crucial for making college affordable for so many students. Unfortunately, it's also super confusing.

Why It Pays to Wait Before Applying for a New Rewards Card

Before a sweet perk convinces you to apply for another rewards credit card, you might want to wait for some even better ones.

Confessions of a Former Payday Loan Junkie

Can you say “Cash in a Flash?” That’s all I was concerned about when I began financial suicide using payday loans 9 years ago. I

This One Thing Could Be the Key to Retiring Rich

Quick: What's one thing you can do right now that will make you over 50 percent more likely to increase your retirement savings? It's not a trick; this really works.

My Kitchen Could Be a Yeast Farm

The free things in life are few -- but one of them, it turns out, is yeast. It's floating all around you, and getting it out of the air and into your bread is easier than you might

5 Brilliant Money Moves You Should Make on January 1

It's a new year! Ditch the unrealistic resolutions and make these smart, achievable money moves right on January 1.

5 Signs You Aren't Ready for a Credit Card

You really want a credit card. But are you ready for one? These signs say no.

6 Reasons You Should Buy the Rental Car Insurance

Think the clerk at the rental counter just wants to sell you insurance? Actually, they may be trying to save you from a headache.

House Hunting? These Features Will Save You Big Over the Long Haul

When looking for the house of your dreams, these money-saving home features will bring you the most bang for your buck over time.

20 Tasty Two-Ingredient Cocktails

For inexpensive, delicious, and easy-to-serve drinks, it's hard to beat these two-ingredient cocktails.

The 5 Best 9 Volt Batteries

If your battery-powered appliances are fading fast, quality 9 volt batteries are what you need. Upgrade to one of these next time you need to replace them.

10 Things You Should Never Do During a Job Interview

You've landed an interview — score! Now just don't blow it with one of these major job interview blunders.

Is Peer Pressure Keeping You Poor?

Many struggle with large credit card balances instead of saying to others, "I can't afford that," but recognizing financial limits is one key to financial freedom.

DIY Home Improvement: 10 Free Options for Training and Advice

Doing your own home repairs saves lots of money, and these resources can give you the training you need to ensure your "fix" doesn't make the problem worse.

6 Questions to Ask Before Selling Your House

Before you hire a realtor and put up that For Sale sign, you'll want to ask yourself these home-selling questions.

Flashback Friday: 36 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

Stay focused during your work-from-home gig with these productivity tips.

When You Should Get a Business Credit Card Over a Consumer Card

Here's a breakdown of the extra benefits that come with a business credit card that you should consider.

Want Financial Education in Schools? Follow the Example of One Kansas Teen

Kansas Legislature passed a law requiring high school students to complete a CPR course to graduate. We need to push just as hard for financial education.