Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Easy Ways to Save Some Green This Holiday Season

A little spending moderation can't hurt this holiday season, and it might even put us back in touch with the true spirit and ideals of the season. Here's how to enjoy the holidays

Best Money Tips: How to Stop Drinking Soda

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. We've got tips to help you kick the soda habit! We’ll also share how to revive your water-damaged cell phone, why LEDs are total

Book Review: The Trap

For more than two years now writing at Wise Bread, my whole thesis has been that frugality leads to freedom—if you can live cheaply enough, you can choose whatever work calls you,

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Exercise Injury (and Doctor's Bills)

A fitness-related injury can slow you down physically and financially. Keep the pace with these sensible exercise precautions.

4 Easy-to-Fix Reasons Your Savings Account Isn't Growing

Don't get frustrated by a stunted savings account. Make these moves instead to help your money grow.

8 Classic Toys That Won Christmas

While you're camped out on the sidewalk hoping to lay your hands on the right Hatchimal, consider these eight ultra-fun classic toys that may be just as hard to come by.

Would You Pay? The Brave New World of Online Music

There's a new idea on the horizon to get people to pay for the music they download. The gist is pretty simple--make listening to and downloading music into a game, like Foursqua

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save? (Chance to win $20!)

We want to hear your tips for squirreling away some funds. If you share your answer, you'll be entered to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Wise Bread Reloaded: Late Summer Grilling

Take a step back to summer's past for great grilling recipes tips and tricks you can enjoy in the waning weekends of summer present.

Best Money Tips: Great Travel Freebies You Can Get in 2017

Today we found articles on great travel freebies, household items that you can use to spring clean your home, and awesome alternatives to pet ownership.

Never Use Cash for These 11 Things

Living the cash-only lifestyle can be good for your budget — except when it isn't. Learn why some purchases are best made on credit.

You're Doing It Wrong, Moron: 5 Tips for Giving Better Compliments

Receiving compliments is easy. But giving legitimate, thoughtful compliments is increasingly rare in an era of instant, faceless communication.

How to Protect Your Job When You're in a Workplace Relationship

A love affair at work is nothing unusual these days. But, if you don't take the proper precautions, it could mean the end of your job.

Do This One Thing a Day to Defeat Awkwardness

Did you just get caught gossiping by the gossipee? Here's what to do to recover from that awkward situation — and lots more besides.

How Much After Healthcare Reform?

How much will healthcare reform cost or save your small business? It depends.

What Fantasy Football Teaches Us About Personal Finance

Football season is upon us, which means it's time to build your fantasy team(s). Did you know they can teach you a thing or two about personal finance?

Telecommuting Is Not Just an HR Perk

Economic, environmental, and continuity of operations demands suggest that telecommuting is more than an HR perk.

4 Reports That Will Keep Your Business Thriving

4 important reports you should be reviewing for your business.

10 Easy, Delicious Recipes for Homemade Bread

With these simple recipes, bread's a lot easier to bake than you think — but you don't have to tell everybody that.

How to Hold onto Talent When You Can’t Afford Raises

Recent economic improvements may have your employees expecting raises this year. But what if you can't afford them?