Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Simple Ways to Travel Greener That Could Save You Money

Believe it or not, you can travel like Captain Planet and save money, all at once.

Here's What You Need to Know About 529 ABLE Accounts

If you're the parent of a special-needs child, the 529 ABLE account can be a valuable resource in helping your child thrive.

Why Treasury Bills Are Always a Worthwhile Investment

When rates are rising, you need something that responds quickly to changes in the market. That's where Treasury bills come in.

How to Keep Your Pets Safe During a Natural Disaster

When a big storm hits, you won't have much time to get your loved ones to safety. Make sure you have a plan in place for your pets, too.

5 Reasons You Definitely Need Renters' Insurance

Yes, renters, you totally need to insure your stuff — and yourself — from mishaps big and small. Don't economize here!

10 Ways to Avoid Germs on Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Public transportation can get awfully germy. Make sure you protect yourself from those grimy surfaces.

Which Student Loan Repayment Plan Saves You the Most?

College degrees aren't cheap, and for many, student loans are a difficult financial burden. Learn which repayment plan saves the most money.

25 Tasty Ways to Use Chicken Stock

From soups to sauces, using frugal chicken stock is a great way to pump up the flavor in a variety of dishes. Check out these delicious and surprising recipes.

3 Simple Ways to Split Bills With Your Spouse

Marriage money matters don't have to be a source of friction. Learn how to split the bills fairly, figure out a routine, and skip the argument part.

Should You Refinance Your Student Loan?

Student loan borrowers have lots of repayment options, including a growing number of refinance options. Here's what to look for.

Ask the Readers: Who Inspires You?

Tell us who inspires you and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Easy Ways to Clean Up Your Image on Social Media

If you're worried about your reputation on social media ruining your future, here's how to clean it up in a flash.

What to Do If Your Paycheck Bounces

You got an "insufficient funds" memo from a much-needed paycheck. Don't panic: Here's how to make sure you get paid.

6 Ways Having Your Groceries Delivered Can Save You Money

Believe it or not, having your groceries delivered right to your door can also save you big bucks.

The Importance of Friendly Letters

Electronic messages are fast but impersonal. Learn why you should send a friendly letter instead.

8 Common Causes of Debt — And How to Avoid them

Millions of Americans are saddled with debt. To truly get rid of it, you need to get to the root of the problem.

9 Ways to Vet Your New Employer

Your potential new employer wants to know everything about you. Do you know everything you need to know about them?

10 Easy Plumbing Repairs That Don't Require a Plumber

Tired of paying for plumbing repairs? A plumbing industry veteran shares 10 easy repairs that don't require an expensive visit from the plumber.

Save Time, Money, and Hassle by Bundling Your Home Repairs

A long list of home repairs can seem daunting. Bidding them as a bundle makes the job easier for a contractor — and worthy of a discount for you.

The 3 Rules Every Mediocre Investor Must Know

The surprising truth is that mediocre investing advice is probably right for you. Learn about the basics.