Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Types of Savings Accounts: Which Is Right For You?

Everyone needs an emergency fund, but with interest rates on savings accounts so low, where should you keep this money? Here are your options.

9 Store Loyalty Programs That Are Worth It

Another store, another loyalty program — is it worth it? For these 10 retailers, you better believe it!

The 5 Best Board Games for Adults

Board games have come a long way since the days of Monopoly, Chess, and Scrabble. Play any of these games with your friends and you'll have a blast.

Dumbest packaging ever?

I tend to believe that American consumers are savvier than advertisers and marketers give us credit for. That's why I don't understand why marketers waste so much time trying to se

30 Easy Ways to Unstick Something That's Stuck

Need a sticky label removed? A frozen zipper released? Before you run off to buy a pricey chemical "remover," try these common household unstickers first.

Walmart vs. Sam's Club: Who Actually Has the Better Deals?

Walmart may be rolling back prices, but certain items are cheaper at Sam's Club. Here's where to get the best deals on stuff you probably buy.

Everything New Parents Need to Know About College Savings

Diapers and formula aren't the only costs to consider when adding to your family. You'd better start thinking about college, too.

Encounter With a Freegan

Would a good mother feed her children out of the Dumpster? My first encounter with a real live freegan leaves me wondering. Is helping save the earth and some money worth even t

21 Things You Should Make Your Kids Pay For

Instead of buying that shiny new toy for your kiddoes, maybe they should pay for it.

Start an Investment Deathmatch to Find the Best Investments

Get your investments ready to rumble. A deathmatch is a fun way to see which funds are making you the most money.

Seven Lessons Learned from Working Retail

The store that I work at offers a rewards card to frequent shoppers, and there are quite a few people who refuse to sign up for it - I can understand why they wouldn't want to have

Spice Up the Conversation by Skipping "What Do You Do?"

The next time you meet someone new, don't do the usual and ask, "So, what do you do?" Instead, ask, "What excites you?"

101 Tax deductions for bloggers and freelancers

Anyone here like doing taxes? Didn’t think so. We all have to do them; we all have to pay money to Uncle Sam (although some get away with paying much less than others). But as

How Cash Rewards Credit Cards Really Work

Confused by the proliferating credit card rewards programs? Find out what terms to avoid — and which ones will really save you money.

Is Bank of America’s $5 Monthly Debit Card Fee Just the Beginning?

Outraged, annoyed, or otherwise frustrated by Bank of America's new debit card fee? Learn why the bank is instituting the fee and what else might happen.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Host a Party on a Budget?

Tell us how you host a party on a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Switch Banks

Getting tired of high ATM fees and no interest on your savings account? Want to switch to a better bank or credit union? Do so in a few easy steps.

6 Ways a Donald Trump Presidency Could Impact Your Wallet

Donald Trump is making a buzz with his stances on everything, including money matters. How would his presidency affect your finances?

How Keeping Up With the Joneses Can Actually Save You Money

Your budget can easily go off the rails if you're spending money just to keep pace with your friends, but in some cases, it can actually help you save.

Your Car Was Recalled. Now What?

A car recall can be scary. Here's what to do if that letter comes in the mail.