Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Summer Reading Made Easy

If you're a mom, dad, grandma, granddad, aunt, uncle, big sister, big brother, friend, or tutor, you will most likely find yourself spending time with a child this summer. [more]

Going Freelance: The Top 10 Tips

As a small business owner there will be various tasks for which you’ll be responsible and can seem overwhelming, at times. But, there are a few simple guidelines you can follo

Best Money Tips: Get the Most Bang for Your College Buck

Today we found some awesome articles on getting the most bang for your college buck, pet services you can do yourself, and saving money by toting snacks.

Do It All Car-Free With a Cargo Bike

If you want to drive less but still get your errands done, consider a cargo bike — these 'cycles can carry everything from kids to groceries and more.

8 Alternative Gift Ideas for Chanukah

From giving handmade items to sharing experiences like storytelling nights, discover wonderful and different ways to celebrate the spirit of Chanukah.

Cheapskate on Board

Living on less can be funny, but it's not a joke. It's the only financial advice that will work for almost everyone, and it might

Shoppers to Spend Less This Holiday Season

Despite some early predictions, it looks like holiday shoppers are not spending as much this year. Learn some of the reasons why.

11 Last Minute Gifts for Book Lovers

The holiday clock is ticking, and you've got nothing for the bookworm on your list! Never fear, these bookish presents are sure to please.

4 Ways Being a Safe Driver Will Save You Big Money

As if you needed another reason to be a safe driver, it'll save you big bucks, too.

Ask the Readers: What Is the Best Lesson You Learned From Your Mom?

Tell us about the best lesson you learned from your mom and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: How to Shop at Costco Without a Membership

Today we found helpful articles on ways to shop at Costco without a membership, the steps to turn your ideas into money, and ways to save on a road trip.

Best Money Tips: How to Save on Home Decor

Today we found some awesome articles on saving on home decor, travel hacks that will save you time and money, and getting your spouse involved with family finances.

Should You Budget Like You Diet?

"Budgeting" and "dieting" are our two toughest resolutions. The strategies that work with one just might work for the other.

How Doing Less Helps You Get More Done

Too much attention to detail can leave us missing the forest for the trees. Step back from detailed agendas and lengthy to-do lists and refocus on the bigger picture.

Best Money Tips: 50 Ways to Lower Expenses

Today we found some awesome articles on 50 ways to lower expenses, Black Friday myths exposed, and how to stop stressing at work.

10 Tips to Make Working From Home a Success

Working from home is hard work, especially if you have kids in the picture. Here are 10 tips to help make the business adventure a success.

Rebel with a Cause: ING Direct CEO Arkadi Kulhmann Talks Shop

According to Arkadi Kuhlmann, CEO and President of ING Direct and author of "The Orange Code: How ING Direct Succeeded by Being a Rebel with a Cause", credit cards are the opium of

Look Out Consumers: Debt Collections Get Scarier

While consumers already have to be on constant alert about so many things involving their personal finances, there are still those that find ways to take advantage of a bad situati

You Are Too Busy: Stop!

When you're really busy — too busy — everything suffers, including your health and your family life. Slow down so you can keep going.

Ask the Readers $200 Giveaway: What is Your Top Question About Personal Finance?

Tell us your top question about personal finance and we'll enter you in a drawing to win $200 in Amazon Gift Cards!