Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Garden as Classroom

Our family garden produced more than just vegetables; it was a classroom for my brother and me, where we learned about everything from hard work to finances.

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Give

Today we found some great articles on smart ways to give during a disaster, how to financially survive a disaster, and ways to spread positivity.

Best Money Tips: Money Lessons From Mom

Today we found some awesome articles on money lessons from mom, ways to come up with million dollar ideas, and what to look for in a bank or credit union.

9 Things Your Office Forgot to Recycle

Here are nine things your office may have forgotten to recycle, along with some guidelines for how to make these recycling programs easy to implement and follow.

IRS Wants Its $7 Billion From Independent Contractor Misclassifications

The contractor model is particularly appealing in a down economy. However, what seems like a great way to save money may be costly if it's determined that your contractors are m

Finding Legal Representation for Your Business

By spending time on finding the right legal representation for your business when you're not under the gun, you can make sure that you use the best person.

Is Mobile Marketing Ready for Small Business?

Ten years ago the Web challenged small businesses to market in a new medium. Are mobile devices about to become your next marketing challenge?

27 Money-Saving Tips from Successful Small Businesses

In economic conditions rich or lean, these tried and true cost cutting tips can fatten your bottom line.

5 Business Blogs that Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Stay up to date on business trends and discover new insights at these five forward leaning business blogs.

7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Make You Happier

Self-medicating with junk food doesn't work, but some foods really can boost your mood. Dig into these dishes and feel better in body and spirit.

Cleanse And Organize Your Inbox In 10 Simple Steps

If your inbox has mastered you, try these ten tricks to regain control.

Recognize And Manage The 5 Stages Of Small Business Growth

From start-up through maturity, leading a small business as it passes through its growth stages requires a variety of skills and temperaments.

3 Undervalued Employee Virtues

Honesty is a virtue. So are inventiveness, integrated thinking, and occasional imprudence. Learn how to identify and motivate these key employee virtues.

Best Money Tips: Things You Can Do to Be Happier

Today we found some great articles on science-backed ways to be happier, things we tend to miss when budgeting, and supermarket tricks to get you to buy more.

Business Lunch Etiquette 101

Good table manners and basic etiquette aren't just for visits to Gramma's house. They're good for business, too.

7 Generic Wellness Buys Better Than the Expensive Originals

It's not the name on the bottle that matters with health and wellness buys, it's the stuff in the bottle. Stop paying more for brand names!

Pet Peeves Part 1: Couture Critters Are Expensive!

It costs a pretty penny to lavish your fur baby in the life of luxury.

Best Money Tips: Activities for Toddlers on a Budget

Today we found some awesome articles on activities for toddlers on a budget, saving on tax preparation fees, and expensive decisions that can haunt you for life.

Enjoy Lawsuit-free Music

That usually means buying it, of course. And if you think buying music can be pricey, imagine the cost of paying the RIAA off in an effort to stay out of court. Can I legally download non RIAA music? [more]

10 Barbecue Hacks to Master This Summer

You'll reach Grillmaster status with these simple tricks for healthier, tastier, and easier barbecuing this summer. Get outside and cook!