Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Long Does it Take Break Even With a Home ReFi?

Refinancing your mortgage can be a sound financial move. But how do you figure out when you'll break even? Let's crunch numbers.

7 Ways to Vet Your Mortgage Lender

A mortgage is one of the biggest financial moves you'll ever make. It pays to be picky with your lender.

6 Money Moves to Make the Moment You Decide to Buy a Car

You're ready for a shiny new set of wheels. All you need to do is make these important money moves, first.

Do You Really Need a 20 Percent Down Payment for a House?

Don't let the giant down payment dash your dreams of homeownership. You have other options!

10 Reasons an HSA Is Actually Worth Having

Don't be intimidated by an HSA! These handy health care savings vehicles are totally worth your while.

10 Awesome Sites to Shop for Affordable, Cool Jewelry

Whether you're dressing up or down, these sites have jewelry that doesn't cost a lot, but looks like a million bucks.

5 Holiday Gigs That Are Perfect for Introverts

You could get a seasonal job at a busy store — but that would mean interacting with other people. Seek one of these gigs for lone wolves, instead.

The 5 Best Hair Straighteners

A good quality hair straightener like these five best choices will leave your hair silky, smooth, straight or wavy without causing a lot of damage.

4 Financial Steps to Take if You Want to Be a Digital Nomad

Before you pursue the digital nomad lifestyle, make these money moves first.

Concession stand treats – a license to print money.

I was at a local fair recently. The kids were hungry, I was thirsty and we all wanted a snack break. But my wife and I knew we’d have to pay the price. At events like these, you’re

10 Ways to Save on Your Next Car Rental Without Even Trying Hard

The car rental companies have come up with a lot of ways to get you to pay more for a rental. Drive away richer with these tips on spending less.

Why Warren Buffett Says You Should Invest in Index Funds

Warren Buffett made a huge bet on index funds — and won. Find out if you should make that bet, too.

5 Killer Free Investment Tools

If you want to increase your investing knowledge, you don't need to pay the big bucks — just delve into these free resources.

6 Money Misconceptions About Millennials

Despite coming of age in an age of burgeoning student loan debt, weak economies, stagnant wages, the kids these days are pretty savvy about money.

Change Your Life by Learning How to Admit You're Wrong

Mea whata? Mea culpa! Learn why admitting you're wrong frees you to pursue your goals — and reach them!

How to Turn Your Instagram Account Into a Paying Gig

Instagram isn't just for pics of your daily latte and your adorable cat. You can make money with it, too!

Green Switch for Green Savings

Did you know that even after turning everything off in your home, you are still paying for electricity consumption you may be unaware of? If you’re like me, that should get both th

How to Manage Debt While Unemployed

Out of work and in the red? Take a deep breath. You can manage both.

18 Cheap and Attractive Ideas for Bookshelves

Reading means books, and books mean a storage problem. Keep your favorites close with one of these affordable, nice-looking book storage solutions.

The Top 10 DIY Jobs Homeowners Should Avoid

If you're thinking about tackling a big DIY project, you may want to think again. Screw one of these projects up, and it could ruin your home's value — or worse.