Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Tips For Using Hotel Reward Points to Get the Most Value

Make sure you're getting the most value when redeeming your hotel reward points.

30 Minutes to a LinkedIn Profile That Gets You Hired

Give your LinkedIn profile the professional pizzazz it needs without hiring a professional — or becoming one yourself!

Flashback Friday: Our 61 Best Home Improvement Hacks Ever

Giving your home a makeover can be expensive. But with our 61 brilliant home improvement hacks, your house will sparkle and your budget will survive.

4 Reasons to Add Your Teen as an Authorized User on Your Credit Card

Giving your teen authorized user access to your credit card might sound risky. Here's why you should do it anyway.

5 International Destinations Anyone Can Afford

Cut costs, not corners, on your next international trip by visiting these exciting, and affordable, destinations.

The 5 Best Smart Alarm Clocks

Getting out of bed in the morning isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these smart alarm clocks and waking up will be a piece of cake.

6 Affordable Home Remodel Tips for Pet Owners

Pets are always cute, but the mess they sometimes leave behind is not. Luckily, just a few tweaks to your decor can tidy up your space.

How to Spend Less On Last-Minute Holiday Travel

You don't need to empty your bank account just to get out of town for the holidays.

4 Ways to Avoid Awkward Moments at White Elephant Parties

It's better to give than to receive...especially when you're stuck with the worst gift at a white elephant party. Follow these tips to keep things fun.

The Best Secured Credit Cards with Low Minimum Deposit

One of the disadvantages of secured credit cards is having to leave a security deposit for as long as you have the card. These cards require the lowest minimum deposit.

6 Warning Signs You're Sabotaging Your Nest Egg

Do your future you a favor and stop making these all-too-common retirement mistakes.

5 Frugal Celebrities Who Live Large on a Small Budget

Many celebrities make big bucks, and then use that money to make big purchases. But these five frugal celebrities know how to stretch a dollar.

The 5 Best Apps for Busy Working Parents

Wise Bread Executive Editor Janet Alvarez shared five great apps for parents on today's Good Morning Washington show. If you missed the broadcast, here they are!

Best Money Tips: How to Improve Your Working Memory

Today we found articles on ways to improve your working memory, how other people can affect your health, and some ideas for DIY indoor herb gardens.

Getting Started with Preserving: Mint Jelly

When I was little, my grandmother would can all sorts of things. She had a big garden full of produce that would wind up in jars in her pantry. With a pretty big garden of my own,

The Fair Way to Split Up Your Family's Estate

A rock-solid will isn't only for your peace of mind — it's for your heirs' peace of mind, too.

Drive the Old Car or Buy a New Car?

The cost of a new car can be much bigger than the sticker price...even going so far as to affect your retirement savings.

Canadians Try To Kill Your Pets - Pet Food Recall

Canada is at it again. This time, it's not mad cow (as far as we know), but will these insidious northerners never stop? [more]

Great Financial Gifts for Children

Financial management is one of the most important lessons you can teach children — start early with these great (and fun!) financial gifts for kids.

21 Fresh Food Delivery Services That Can Save You Big

Fresh food, delivered directly to your door! Grocery delivery is all the rage right now, and these are the services to look for in your neighborhood.