Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

31 Essential Kitchen Tools All Frugal Cooks Need

If your tiny kitchen space doesn't have these essentials, you're not living your best life.

8 Smart Money Moves to Make in the New Year

You've resolved to give your finances a boost this year — that's great! These money moves will help get you there.

Making Personal Finance Fun while Fighting for Financial Freedom

My story about how I went from broke, to saving without goals, to fighting for financial independence.

The High Cost of Pursuing Fame and Fortune

Who hasn't dreamed of achieving fame and fortune? Find out just how much of a long shot stardom really is.

How to Get Rid of and Avoid Late Fees

Of all the ways you can waste money, paying late fees is one of the worst. Learn how to never pay another late fee again.

7 Easiest Ways to Catch Up on Retirement Savings Later in Life

If your retirement savings are off to a late start, you aren't alone. A few smart money moves can help you catch up.

6 Meditation Alternatives for People With Busy Minds

Can't sit and meditate without your mind going in a thousand different directions? No problem. There are still ways to meditate when your brain is always busy.

Maintaining Memories: How to Save Old Photographs

Don't let your old photographs fade and crumble in some attic box! Instead, follow these steps to share them and keep them safe.

2-Minute Read: What You Need to Know About Cash Advances

Before you request a cash advance through your credit card, scan this quick read so you understand what's involved.

How to Pay Less Interest on Your Credit Card Debt

You may be able to pay down your credit card debt faster with a personal loan. These are things you should consider.

11 Ways Your Credit Card Will Save You Money While Holiday Shopping

For responsible cardholders who pay off balances every month, buying with plastic can mean real savings on gifts and much more.

You Can Throw a Fun and Affordable Holiday Party — Here's How

Entertain friends and family for cheap this year and and have a merry old time — once at the party, and again on bill pay day.

7 Easy Ways to Raise Your Credit Score This Year

A good credit score can help you get better rates on big purchases or loans. Start boosting your score with some simple steps.

Screwdrivers to Saws: Stocking Your First Toolbox

A trip to the home improvement store can overwhelm when you're trying to buy your first set of tools. Before you shop, read this guide.

Look where you want to go

Yesterday, as I teetered precariously on my motorcycle at the top of a steep hill, riding home from the repair shop and thus marking my first time on a motorcycle that wasn't in a flat, closed course, I was repeating one of the standard Motorcyclin [more]

30 Ways to Use Up a Jar of Preserves

Too many jam jars jamming up the pantry? Don't toss 'em — you'd be surprised how many delicious dishes they can jazz up!

How I Erased $70,000 of Debt and Became an Eventual Millionaire

Personal finance blogger Jaime Tardy shares how she eliminated more than $70k of debt and then set her financial sights even higher.

10 Surprising Things That Lower the Value of a Home

These value-sapping home features are the opposite of "selling points." Does your home (or the one you're thinking of buying) have them?

Here's How Much Life in the Big City Will Cost You

Your dreams of big city life probably won't come cheap. Better crunch the numbers before you make the big move from Smallsville to Metropolis!

9 Personal Things You Should Never Text or Email

Before you put all your trust in the Cloud, maybe reconsider sending any of these things over text or email.