Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Yes, You Can Pay for Education With an IRA

There's more than one way to help pay for college. This little known tip could save you from taking out student loans.

The 5 Best Voice Recorders

When you're in a pinch and have to record something, you need a dependable device. Use any of these voice recorders and you'll get the audio recording you need.

The 7 Laws of Negotiation

Over the past couple of decades, I’ve distilled successful negotiating down to seven key principles.

How to Prep Your Finances for an Emergency Vet Visit

For a pet parent, an emergency visit to the vet is always stressful. Here's how to handle it financially.

How Much Would It Cost to Actually Live Like a Queen for a Day?

You'd need awfully deep pockets to lead a lifestyle fit for a queen.

10 Tips to Save You from an ATM Skimmer

If you don’t yet know the term “skimmer,” put it in your vocabulary. Here are ways to avoid ATM skimmers.

5 Signs That Your Credit Card Spending Is Out of Control

Credit cards can dominate your life (and ruin your budget) if you're not careful. Use these 5 warning signs to make sure you stay on top of your spending habits.

What to Do When Your Tax Preparer Makes a Mistake

The tax code is complex and even the pros make mistakes. And when they do? You're responsible for clean up.

We Do the Math: Save for Retirement or Pay Off Credit Card Debt?

It's a finance question for the ages: Should you save for retirement, or pay off credit card debt? Find out what the math says.

College Move-Out Days: The Best Time to Dumpster Dive?

Every year, thousands of college students throw out everything from working TVs to unopened cans of food. Find out how to make their trash your treasure.

7 Delicious Uses for Leftover Hot Dogs

Let's be frank: Summer cookouts will leave you with plenty of extra dogs in the fridge. Here are lots of tasty ways to use them up.

8 Little Luxuries That Go a Long Way

From nice soap to good food to quality kitchen gear and more, a few small splurges are sometimes all you need to make your life feel utterly luxurious.

Best Buy scamming customers with Intranet - UPDATED!

George Gombossy, consumer watchdog for The Courant , broke this story on March 2nd of this month. It's a great story, and I apologise to George for not stating him as the source in my original post, my bad entirely. [more]

7 Ways to Deal With Unwanted Gifts

The holidays are a time for giving...and receiving things you don't want. Here are seven ways to deal with gifts you just won't use.

The Great Coupon Debate

What's the one thing worse than talking about a budget with your spouse? Grocery shopping. I live with a coupon cutter who insists we buy nothing that isn't bought with coupons. Bu

5 Sobering Facts About Social Security You Shouldn't Panic Over

Maybe you take Social Security for granted — or maybe you expect it to disappear. Either way, here's what you should know about it.

How to Save Frequent Flyer Miles That Are About to Expire

You worked hard for those airline miles. Don't let them just slip away!

Yes, You Need "Fun Money" in Your Budget

Being frugal doesn't mean kissing fun goodbye. In fact, you should be budgeting for it!

5 Foods I Grew Tired of Buying, and How I Quit

Everyone who cares about frugality understands that it often involves becoming more self-reliant. The following is a list of kitchen staples that I quit buying, and how I’ve made i

Why Millennials Should Embrace Credit Cards

Millennials are super wary of debt — and credit cards. But embracing plastic responsibly is an important adult skill.