Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: Do You Keep a Budget?

Tell us whether you keep a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What clearance price is your Achilles Heel?

Some people are suckers for bargains of any kind. Others, well, even a genuine FREE offer is difficult for them to take up. But most of us, myself included, have a magic number. It

Here's What Happens to a Mortgage in a Divorce

Divorce is messy. And step one is figuring out how to split ways with your biggest shared asset; your home.

Flashback Friday: The 76 Best Life Lessons You Should Learn by 30

Wanna live your best life by age 30? Here's everything you need to do.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Brands?

Tell us about your favorite brands and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Use Holiday Hiring to Get Your Next Job – And Keep it!

Looking for some work? Maybe a part time gig or a fresh start in a new industry? We speak with an expert who tells us what businesses are looking for in their next round of holid

Get More Money for Your Stuff With These Retail Secrets

If the big-box retailers can move boatloads of inventory with these pricing secrets, then you can, too.

Should you take a second job?

When you're strapped for cash just before the holidays, it might behoove you to remember that right now is the busiest time of the year for big box retailers, and many of them are

Write for money online series - Part I - Bukisa

I started writing online in 2007 at my personal blog and have not stopped since. I am very fortunate to have been selected to join Wise Bread last year and I have made a steady am

New Mac minis: Beware small gains at a big price!

Are you interested in a new Mac mini? Read this first: be informed about which upgrades don't make sense and what to do about it.

Best Money Tips: Online Learning

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips. This week, we have notes on snagging a blogging gig, identity theft protection and help links, get ripped like Bruce Lee, and more, all

10 Money Moves to Make When a Layoff Is Coming

You've seen the warning signs. When you suspect job cuts are headed your way, it's time to get these money moves in motion.

4 High-Paying Medical Jobs You Don't Need an MD For

If you don't have the time — or money — to secure a medical degree, you can still have a great career in medicine if you choose the right field.

Watch Out for These 4 Sneaky Charges on Your Monthly Bills

Some businesses will try to slip unfair fees onto your bill. Watch for these extras on your statements to be certain you're only paying what you owe.

The 5 Best Paper Shredders

A paper shredder can help you protect your valuable personal information from identity thieves. Here are our picks for the top five.

Summer Camp as a Side Business

My tween son went to a Lego camp this summer so that he could learn robotics, something I wasn’t sure I could teach him since his technical skills typically surpass mine. My initia

Get a Bigger Refund With These Often-Overlooked Tax Deductions

April 15 is right around the corner — are you claiming all the deductions you're entitled to? Find out with this collection of sometimes missed deductions.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Live a Life With No Regrets

Today we found some awesome articles on living a life with no regrets, cutting your own hair, and tasks you shouldn't put on the backburner.

The Secrets of History's Most Successful Savers

Today's extreme couponers have nothing on these famous savers. Improve your savings strategies with some tips from history's greatest money hoarders.

12 Ways to Make a Tiny Apartment Awesome

Make life in a tiny space seem elegant rather than cramped with a few simple decorating and design tricks.