Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Turbo-Charge Your Nutrition With Superfoods

You can rev up your diet by understanding and using the power of superfoods. Explore which foods fall within the superfood category and why.

Cheap Smartphones: Which Ones Are Worth It?

Think getting a smartphone means shelling out hundreds of dollars? Nope. Check out the new crop of inexpensive, well-functioning smartphones.

30 Easy Ways to Go Green in the Office

Here are 30 easy ways to go green in the office, and often save money in the process.

Best Money Tips: Work Out Without a Gym Membership

Today we found some great articles on exercising without a gym membership, booking holiday travel, and how to stick with a budget.

Flashback Friday: 88 Easy Ways to Get More Exercise

Working out consistently isn't easy, but it can be. Especially when exercise becomes almost effortless.

How to Score More Loyalty Perks From Your Credit Card Company

Savvy consumers haggle their way to cheaper utility and Internet bills. Do the same with your credit cards and you'll pay less interest and fees.

6 Questions to Ask Before You Book a Discount Airfare Deal

Crazy airfare deals come and go, but are they really worth it? Here are some of the other costs to consider.

15 Great Brand Name Beauty Buys Under $10

Putting on a prettier face shouldn't wipe out your budget. Get your glam on a shoestring with these stellar beauty buys — all under $10!

10 Out-of-Fashion but Totally Frugal Old Tools

From manual lawnmowers to payphones (remember those?), get back to basics (and save!) with these frugal alternatives to modern tools.

4 Times Student Loan Refinancing Can Save You Big

To re-fi or not to re-fi… managing a student loan today is surprisingly complex. Consider these factors before you decide.

Save time, money, energy, and eat great

Depending on how old you are, your mother or grandmother probably had one of these: a pressure cooker. (She probably also had a story of one exploding, which may be why they're n

7 Affordable Northern Destinations to Beat the Heat This Summer

Summer heat and humidity got you down? Freshen up with a trip to one of these way cooler destinations.

More Free Television Online - - UPDATE: Invites Available for Wise Bread Readers!

Introducing, a joint effort of Fox and NBC that aims to be the one stop hub of all free and legal online television. Today I took it for a spin. Read on for my experienc

Money-Making Lessons From the Girl Scouts

Slinging cookies is tough business. One Cookie Mom shares 11 money lessons she's learned from working with the Girl Scouts.

Incentive plans always go awry

Ever worked someplace that had an incentive plan (as in, "Hit these targets and you'll get a bonus")? Here's a little tidbit for you: Incentive plans always go awry.

Fill your tank

Last week I saw several reports about a sharp jump in people running out of gas on the highway. The stories attributed the increase to high gas prices, suggesting that people who

Ask the Readers: Do You Have a Season or Annual Pass?

Tell us whether you have a season or annual pass and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 10 Things I Won’t Give Up Just To Save Money

Times are tough and they may be getting tougher as inflation and unemployment rates rise. There are 10 things that I could cut out of my expenses to save money right now but these

Boost Your Career: How to Be Happier and More Likeable at Work

You can get more done and push your career ahead by becoming the charismatic, trustworthy, go-to person who really cares. Here's what to do.

Can't Afford a Home Alarm System? You Probably Already Have One

Home alarm systems can be expensive. A basic alarm system can be hundreds of dollars, but chances are you already own a pretty good alternative.