Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Reduce Your Food Expenses

Today we found some great articles on tax day freebies, reducing your food expenses, and steps to investing in yourself.

Extended Car Warranties: 3 Things to Know

Extended car warranties can keep you from wrecking the family budget. But you need to shop them as carefully as you do your car. Here are three things to look for.

12 Delicious Soups You Can Make From Leftovers

Whether you've got a lot of leftovers or only a little, use one of these delicious recipes to turn yesterday's meal into today's delicious soup — and save!

These Are the 4 Terms You Need to Know to Get Started in Stocks

Don't know your P/E from your EPS? That's OK — catch up on the basics here, and you'll become a savvier investor.

Keep Your Family Safe with these 6 Must-Have Smartphone Apps

Whether you have kids, pets, or just hang out alone, we’ve got the scoop on the most effective applications designed to help you live a healthy, happier home life!

Home Reverse Mortgaged? Here's How to Sell It

Reverse mortgages are growing in demand as the population ages. This means more of these homes will be hitting the market, too.

Going Into Debt Can Be Awesome

Debt can make or break you. Which one depends on how you handle it and the reasons behind the need for the money. Make the right choice and you can achieve even the impossible.

Hate Budgeting? How a Percentage-Based Budget Might Work for You

When it comes to budgeting, play the percentages to find a spending plan that works for you, whatever your situation.

10 Delicious Freeze-Ahead Dinners for Busy Fall Weeknights

Make dinner in a jiffy with these easy, freeze ahead meals. Just thaw, cook, and eat. Cleanup is a snap, too!

10 Homemade Child Products That Are Cheaper and Better Than Store Bought

Kid stuff is expensive! You'll save a lot and wind up with better kid stuff if you make these common products at home, instead of buy.

5 Small Risks That Can Improve Your Life in Big Ways

Small risks always payoff in the thrill of the gamble and sometimes they payoff in much more. Take a chance on these — you've got nothing to lose!

Best Money Tips: Beat Food Price Inflation

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to beat food price inflation, personal finance basics for new grads, and how to sell your home without a realtor.

7 Money-Saving Tricks You Can Learn From Same-Sex Couples

Same-sex couples have a lot to teach heteros about partnering up, starting with some easy cost cutting and frugal living tips.

How to Build a Great Reputation from Scratch

A good reputation is a small business's best asset. Acquiring one when starting out requires creative thinking and a little hard work.

Cable TV Is Here to Stay...for Now

Thinking about cutting cable? You might be surprised by little you could save. Follow these steps to find out if it's actually cost effective for you.

It's So Simple: 6 Steps to a Stable Retirement

It doesn't take feats of financial wizardry to fund a stable retirement. Let's break it down into easy-to-follow steps.

4 Keys to Creating Loyal Customers

Customer relationships are just like any other kind of relationship. To grow strong, they need to be nourished with honesty, attention and communication.

3 Ways to Use Your Social Networks Effectively

Your social networks, online and off, can be powerful business building tools. Here's how to make the most of them.

4 Common Investment Mistakes With First-Time Profits

Getting a startup to profitability is cause for celebration. But it's no time to lose focus on the bottom line.

6 Tips to Win Any Argument

Love it or hate it, conflict is a part of life. Next time you go toe-to-toe, be prepared to win with some tried and true argument winning tactics.