Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Common Money Moves That Can Get You Into Legal Trouble

That little white money lie might seem innocent enough, but watch out — you could get in big trouble.

5 Things to Say to Your Boss to Get a Promotion or Raise

You deserve a raise and a promotion. Here's how to get your boss to agree.

Best Money Tips: Money Management Tips for Couples

Today we found some great articles with tips on money management for committed couples, frugal ways to fight the flu, and calendar mistakes you may be making.

Best Money Tips: Be a Tourist in Your Own Town

Today we found some amazing articles on how to be a tourist in your own town, things worth haggling over, and surviving an apartment sale.

Best Money Tips: How to Clean Everything in Your Home

Today we found some great articles on how to clean everything in your home, budget friendly hobbies, and the times you should always spend to save.

Fresh vs. Frozen: 5 Dinner Comparisons

When you consider cost, taste, and time, is fresh always better? Find out as frozen dinners go head-to-head with their freshly made counterparts.

Best Money Tips: Why You're Not Happy and How to Change It

Today we found some great articles on the reason why you’re not happy, the hidden costs of cutting cable, roadblocks to avoid if you want to retire early, and more!

Here's What You Spent on This Holiday Season

The final numbers aren't in yet, but if you're like most Americans, the holidays have done some damage to your budget. Here's how you did it.

Best Money Tips: Improve Your Life

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to improve your life, steps to take when you feel financially vulnerable, and when buying in bulk is more expensive.

Local Branding: Make Your Company Part of the Community

Being seen as a valuable member of your local community can keep you in mind for prospective customers or clients in a way that many other branding strategies can't.

Best Money Tips: Saving Tips For New Parents

Today we found some great articles on saving tips for new parents, what to ask your job interviewer, and how to choose a college.

Best Money Tips: Green Habits of Thrifty People

Today we found some great articles on the green habits of thrifty people, how to be more productive with the 10 minute rule, and why restaurants don’t want you to order dessert.

12 Frugal Compromises

Frugality isn't a black-and-white, either/or situation. That's why sometimes, the best decision isn't to be as frugal as you can be.

5 Best Online Brokerages for Your IRA

You know you should be socking more away for retirement, but how? Start now with an IRA at one of these newbie friendly online brokerages.

4 Ways to Get Cheaper Health Insurance

Obamacare made health care mandatory for most — and the healthcare market tricky for all. Learn to navigate the system and pay less for insurance.

Fundamentals of Online Advertising

Online advertising is much cheaper than print advertising. But to get results, you've got to find your audience and test your pitch.

Save Big With a Dream Wedding Overseas

A wedding in the U.S. can set you back the cost of a mid-size car. Combine your wedding with a romantic escape, and you can bring that down to economy.

Best Money Tips: Overlooked Ways to Avoid a Speeding Ticket

Today we found some great articles on overlooked ways to avoid a speeding ticket, creative beer pairings to try, and a guide to online coupon codes.

Best Money Tips: Tips for Working While Traveling

Today we found some awesome articles on tips for working while traveling, negotiating for a better deal, and tax strategies for salaried employees.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money While Traveling Abroad

Today we found articles on tips to save money while you’re traveling abroad, ways to invest in real estate, and tips for running in winter.