Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Why Does the Stock Market Keep Going Up?

Despite Great Depressions and Recessions of the past, the overall trend of the stock market is upward. Why?

How an Exit Strategy Can Make You a Better Investor

We're all for buy and hold, but sometimes, it really does make sense to sell an investment. That's where an exit strategy comes in.

The Backdoor to Amazon's 70% off deals

I'm completely crazy about a new site I've just discovered. It's called Jungle Crazy and it's brought to you by those nice folks who also gave you RetailMeNot and BugMeNot. What is it? [more]

10 Unexpected Uses for Laundry Detergent

Who says laundry soap is just for clothes? Try it for one of these other common household clean ups.

Did Your Parents Give You a Whole Life Insurance Policy? Here's What to Do With It.

What is whole life insurance all about? If you have any questions about this, read on.

5 Unexpected Costs of Political Activism

Protesters are out in force right now. And while taking a stand is important in many ways, there are financial and personal risks to consider.

How a Goodwill Letter Can Save Your Credit Score

One money mishap can wreck your credit score. A simple goodwill letter just might help.

8 Valuable Rights You Might Lose When You Refinance Student Loans

You can refinance your mortgage to chip away at federal student loans faster. But be cautious: It comes at a cost.

6 Ways That Job You Hate Keeps You Poor

Staying in a job you hate, even one that pays well, can hurt your finances as much as it can destroy your happiness. Start polishing your resume!

Ask the Readers: Do You See Movies in the Theater?

Tell us if you see movies in the theater and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

15 Cheap Staple Dishes From Around the World

People around the world have been eating delicious, frugal, and healthful food for centuries. Try these international cheap eats!

6 Ways Meeting the 2018 401(k) Contribution Limits Will Brighten Your Future

Want to start 2018 off on the right financial foot? Start hitting the new 401(k) contribution limit.

7 Easy Money Moves to Make on a Rainy Day

The rain may be falling, but that doesn't mean you can't make the sun shine on your finances.

Best Money Tips: Eco-Friendly Ways to Travel

Today we found articles on eco-friendly ways to travel, pitfalls to watch for if you’re 65 and still working, and practical minimalist tips for beginners.

5 Modern Ways to Split the Bill

Are you always the one who gets stuck covering taxes and tip when it's time to settle the tab with friends? Not anymore.

23 Hidden Costs of Buying an Old House

Vintage charm and classic appeal may be great selling points, but before you shell out for an old house, be sure you know what you're buying.

Should you spend your money while you can?

A new article on Slate today details a study by some economists that say people should enjoy their money while they are still healthy and young. The conclusion of their study is th

Ask the Readers: What Helps You Be More Productive?

Tell us what helps you be more productive and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

35 Grocery Items You Should Make at Home (and 5 to Buy)

Homemade protein powder? Yep, you can make that and 34 other grocery staples cheaply and easily at home. (And discover the five you should DEFINITELY skip.)

25 Easy Organizing Changes You Can Make Today

You can get organized. (Really.) And you can even do it in small steps. (Seriously.) Start today with one of these 25 quick tasks.