Have good credit? A low APR on your credit cards? Always pay your bills on time? That's not going to stop your credit card company from jacking up your rate whenever they feel like
Today we found helpful articles on how to master make-ahead meals, unexpected tips to prepare for any interview, and financial mistakes that newly single people make.
Overcoming fear sounds easy when the motivational experts advise it. Get from the scary here to the confident there with practice, planning, and a little playacting.
From Twitter to Digg, emails to IM and let's not forget all those social networking sites, its easy to get bogged down just by logging on.
Fortunately, you can keep your online
Today we found helpful articles on small money moves that will improve your finances, baby essentials you can DIY, and ways to find time to make extra money.
You can always tell when inflation has become ingrained in an economy--you start hearing people say, "Buy now before the price goes up!" I remember hearing that a lot in the late
It’s not news that women tend to hit glass ceilings in the workplace far sooner than men do. It’s also not news that women tend to earn less money than their male counterparts in e
Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Is WaMu on the way out? Also, learn to control your ego as a means to control your spending, find out how to bargain the right w
Today we found some fantastic articles on free activities to get your creative juices flowing, what to do if you lose your job, and talking about money with your honey.
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Your Interest Rates Are About to Go Up
Have good credit? A low APR on your credit cards? Always pay your bills on time? That's not going to stop your credit card company from jacking up your rate whenever they feel like
Ask the Readers: Do You Volunteer?
Tell us about your volunteer experience and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 6/20, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes
Topic: Dinner ideas on a budget! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!
Ask the Readers: Have You Had Any Surprise Expenses This Year?
Tell us if you've had any surprise expenses this year and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Best Money Tips: How to Master Make-Ahead Meals
Today we found helpful articles on how to master make-ahead meals, unexpected tips to prepare for any interview, and financial mistakes that newly single people make.
Ask the Readers: Have You Started Saving for Retirement?
Tell us whether you've started saving for retirement and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
How to Be Fearless and Do What You Want
Overcoming fear sounds easy when the motivational experts advise it. Get from the scary here to the confident there with practice, planning, and a little playacting.
Too many online accounts? You need an aggregator.
From Twitter to Digg, emails to IM and let's not forget all those social networking sites, its easy to get bogged down just by logging on. Fortunately, you can keep your online
Best Money Tips: Small Moves That Boost Your Financial Fitness
Today we found helpful articles on small money moves that will improve your finances, baby essentials you can DIY, and ways to find time to make extra money.
Ask the Readers: What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?
Tell us what advice you would give your younger self and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Why save during an inflation?
You can always tell when inflation has become ingrained in an economy--you start hearing people say, "Buy now before the price goes up!" I remember hearing that a lot in the late
Here's What Happens to a Mortgage in a Divorce
Divorce is messy. And step one is figuring out how to split ways with your biggest shared asset; your home.
Ask the Readers: Do You Play the Lottery?
Tell us whether you play the lottery and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Women Are Responsible For Inequalities in the Workplace
It’s not news that women tend to hit glass ceilings in the workplace far sooner than men do. It’s also not news that women tend to earn less money than their male counterparts in e
What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in August
Hard to believe summer is almost gone — almost as hard to believe as the deals you can find on lawn and garden supplies and LCD TVs.
Ask the Readers: What Was Your Best Investment in 2017?
Tell us about your best investment in 2017 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
Best Money Tips: WaMu Go Bye-Bye?
Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Is WaMu on the way out? Also, learn to control your ego as a means to control your spending, find out how to bargain the right w
Best Money Tips: Free Activities to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing
Today we found some fantastic articles on free activities to get your creative juices flowing, what to do if you lose your job, and talking about money with your honey.
Homeownership: Highlights from Our Chat With Scott Matteson from Michigan State University
Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Scott Matteson from Michigan State University Extension on homeownership!
Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 8/22, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes
Topic: End of Summer Sales! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!