Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Improve Your Social Skills With Highlights From 5 Great TED Talks

People with good social skills share cool things they've found — like these five great TED talks on building better social skills.

10 Refillable Things That Will Save You Cash

Free refills? Not exactly. But whether you're at home, the coffeeshop, or the office, these 10 refillable, reusable things will help you save lots of money.

12 Things You Need to Stop Doing Today to Be a Better Friend

What do we value most in life? Family and friends. Keep and strengthen those precious bonds by avoiding these common relationship-busters.

10 Flight Booking Hacks to Save You Hundreds

Don't book another flight online until you've read this! It could save you a ton of money.

5 Money Accomplishments You Should Be Proud Of

Don't beat yourself up over the financial challenges ahead. Be proud of what you've already accomplished.

Getting Rich Slowly: Interview with JD Roth

Get Rich Slowly is one of the most popular personal finance web sites on the internet. JD Roth, the man behind the site, agreed to share some of his fiscal background and financial

How to Prevent Plant Theft

Mean-spirited but common, plant thieves will cut your blooms, remove front-stoop pots, or even dig trees up from your yard. Learn how to foil them.

How to Build Your Own Amortization Schedule

Looking for a dull, but financially eye-opening home project? Great! Today, we're going to build an amortization schedule. [more]

Best Credit Cards for the Holidays

There’s no better time to sign up for a rewards or low introductory interest rate credit card than the holiday season. Here are the top cards you should have on your wish list.

10 Ways to Boost Your Take-Home Pay

Getting a new job isn't the only way to make more money — discover great ways to start bringing home more bacon.

6 Reasons Every Millennial Needs a Roth IRA

You're young, you're earning an income, and you're ready to save for retirement. It's time to open a Roth IRA.

25 Ways to Communicate Better Today

Getting your point across (and understanding the points that others are making) is one of the most important skills you can master. Learn how to do it better.

Make Your Hobby Pay Its Way

Hobbies generally end up in the expense category. Depending on the hobby, you may be paying for equipment, supplies, books and magazines, classes, training--the list goes on.

5 Simple Ways to Never Make a Late Credit Card Payment

Forgetting about your credit card bill can hurt your credit score and your wallet. Learn how to stop missing due dates once and for all.

The 9 Best State 529 College Savings Plans

College isn't cheap. Give your kids a savings jumpstart with one of these nine best 529 plans across the country.

Selling Your Groupon Coupons

If you've bought a Groupon or Living Social coupon but can't (or don't want to) use it, these sites will help you sell it to someone who wants it.

5 Unexpected Costs of Political Activism

Protesters are out in force right now. And while taking a stand is important in many ways, there are financial and personal risks to consider.

10 Investing Lessons You Must Teach Your Kids

Teach your children smart investing early, and you'll set them up for a lifetime of good financial decisions later.

The 5 Best Pieces of Financial Wisdom From Warren Buffett

If you're looking for timeless financial wisdom, then turn to the Oracle of Omaha himself. Start with these personal finance fundamentals.